Changes and Affirmations

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             My heart beats at a slightly higher pace than normal, not in fear or anxiety, but because of the tense silence shared between Aiden and me. The only sound heard is the crunch of the debris-covered street we walk on toward some unspoken destination that only Aiden knows of. '...What the fuck happened while he was away? And where is Hakon?' Many more questions were bubbling inside my head, but those were the two that surfaced often. As much as I want to ask my questions to my brooding companion, I am honestly afraid to do so because it looks like he is about to snap at any moment. His heavy and angry footfalls silently tell me that something serious must have gone down in the hour we split up.

After I, safely, made it to my apartment, I took a moment to quickly change my clothing into something more... new. While I love my scrubs with a passion, enjoying the professional look they gave me and making me feel like a true medical professional, I needed a change for this new adventure I was about to go on. Luckily for me, I have collected, or have been gifted, a few sets of normal clothing over the years. I went with a pair of black pants, that I didn't know what 'style' they were I just knew they weren't jeans and were comfortable to move in, a graphic t-shirt that had a cat playing the piano, and a 'new' pair of sneakers. When I was choosing a jacket to wear to protect me against the autumn air, my eyes scanned over the few I had hanging up in my wardrobe before they landed on a specific one. It was the jacket Aiden had given me the night we stayed in the hunting shop. I kept it even though I had plenty of coats. Not thinking twice, I pulled it off the hanger it was on and quickly slipped into it, the size, surprisingly, fit perfectly on my body despite our obvious size difference. And despite giving it a good wash to rid it of the sweat and blood stench, it still smelled heavily of Aiden though with a hint of cleanness.

'It must have been one he wore a lot and had grown out of.' I thought to myself before going to pack some supplies into my bag.

I dumped out all of the stuff that was previously in my small backpack to start fresh. Obviously, I dedicated one zipper to materials that would be used to make UV bars and immunity boosters for when we were in the dark. Another compartment was stuffed with things like gauze, an alcohol bottle, and medical supplies. Other than that, I didn't pack too much, opting not to stuff clothes or food inside because I knew we could scavenge for new clothing and could probably buy food In the Central Loop; after all, a majority of Villedor's residents reside there. As I was zipping up my backpack I remembered, for once, to call Veronika to let her know what I was doing. I told her that I desperately needed a change, and I was taking an opportunity to go to the city with Aiden and Hakon. She was, understandably, against the idea at first saying how dangerous it was, but when I told her how miserable I have been after I woke up, she got quiet. It was a few moments of silence before I heard her sigh out in a motherly way, the one that told me understood and that she couldn't really stop me, then she gave me her blessing.

"But you better call me AT LEAST every night to let me know you are alive and okay. Stick close to Aiden and try not to get into trouble, you hear me? And... keep your distance from Hakon. I know he has been very helpful in the past, but given his reputation, you should still treat him with kindness, but at a distance." Was what she told me as I shut down most of my lights except for the UV lamps I had, making sure to make it seem like the area was abandoned for all but those who know of it and to ward off any infected that might make it into a nest.

"Can you tell the others for me, please? I have a feeling that if I were to tell Barney, he would either try and talk me out of it or just flat-out prevent me from going... He will miss me too much." I end with a teasing jab at my brother, knowing that there was some truth to it.

As I was heading out the door, Veronika had one last thing to say to me. "And, Marcus? I love you, kid. Never forget that. Stay safe till we meet again." Her voice was raw with emotion, almost making me choke up with tears as I tried to compose myself enough to respond.

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