𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 5

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Once she was no longer with us, Tom got up, silently challenging me. I truly cared for him but he always had been a pain in my ass. Always sticking his nose where he shouldn't. I saw him clench his fists and I smirked, clenching my jaw.

"Haven't I beaten your ass up enough for you to not provoke me, Tom ?"

His glare hardened and his jaw clenched too. He took a step forward, coming closer to me. I raised an eyebrow, silently daring him to start the fight he desperately wanted.

"She told me about the arranged marriage." He spats.

"What's it to you, hm ?"

"I know you, Mattheo. You're not a good man." He scoffed.

I chuckled darkly, tilting my head to the side.

"And you are, Tom ? Forgot about all the innocent you've murdered ?"

"I would never hurt a woman unlike you !" He yelled.

His words caught me by surprise but I did my best to hide it. Instead, I glared at him.

"I didn't hurt her. Nor any woman. Did she tell you I had ?"

I felt anger taking over me. Was this bitch spreading lies about me ? Sure, I might have been a bit rough last night when I had choked her, but I hadn't hurt her. I wasn't squeezing that hard.

"No but I know you, Mattheo. You treat women like shit."

I scoffed, uncrossing my arms and putting my hands in my pockets.

"I don't see how that's an issue. They like when I fuck them like sluts. Not one as ever complained before." I shrugged.

He huffed, clearly getting angrier with my words. I couldn't understand what his problem was. She was just another bitch I would fuck and he had never cared before. The only difference with her was that she was going to be my wife and I had to impregnate her in order to have an Heir. It didn't mean I had to treat her differently.

"She's not like the girls you usually fuck !" He raised his voice, making me raise an eyebrow. "For fuck sake, Mattheo, don't you see how innocent she look ? She is willing to let you treat her like shit just to please our Father and hers !"

I rolled my eyes before taking a cigarette out of my pockets. I lit it and inhaled the smoke, feeling it filling my lungs.

"Not my problem. Father wants me to have an Heir and he wants her to give it to me. That's it. Innocent or not, she's just a fucking womb for the Riddle's Heir. Like it or not."

He took a step back, running his fingers through his hair.

"She's a human being, Mattheo. You can't just use her like she's nothing. She has feelings too and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want this marriage as much as you. I know you're agreeing with it only because it's Fathers order. Guess what, she's agreeing too for the same reasons ! That girl's Father sold her to ours to prove his loyalty and she is so innocent she doesn't oppose it to please him ! To please them both !"

I looked at him in silence, smoking my cigarette while inspecting him pacing around. Realization hit me and I exhaled the smoke while chuckling darkly.

"Fuck, you'll like to be the one to marry her, don't you, brother ?"

He stopped moving, his head turning to me and his eyes glaring daggers into mine.

"Want her ? Take her. She's all yours. I don't fucking want her." I shrugged.

He huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"First of all, we both know you're the one next for Fathers throne, not me, meaning I don't need to have an Heir. Second of all, I don't want to marry her instead of you, Mattheo. I just want you to treat her well. She deserves it."

I scoffed.

"I still don't see how that's any of your concern. Why the fuck do you care how I'll treat her, hm ?"

His jaw clenched and he turned his head to the side, avoiding my eyes. Yep, that's what I thought.

"Don't think I'm that stupid, Tom. You do wish you were the one to marry her. You met her an hour ago ? Did she spell you or something ? You want her."

His eyes met mine again, sending daggers.

"So what if I do ? We both know I can't have her." He scoffed. "Look, all I'm asking you is to treat her well. Don't fucking hurt her in any way. Please."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Shit. He must really like her to beg me. I chuckled darkly.

"Don't tell me you're in love, Tom ? Riddles don't love."

"I'm not. She just deserves to be treated well, Mattheo. Like I said, she's not like the women you're used to."

"And how would you know ?" I rolled my eyes.

He was starting to get on my nerves. He had barely met her. How could he know how she was ? I had been in her presence longer than he had and I didn't know her.

"Because I've looked in her mind. Not for long, but I saw how innocent she is. In her memories, I never saw her leave her Fathers house. He probably kept her locked away to protect her. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know shit about the real world."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"You really think he cares for his daughter after offering her hand in marriage with the Dark Lord's son ?"

He sighed, passing a frustrated hand on his face.

"I don't fucking know, alright ? Just... Don't hurt her, Mattheo. She's not like us."

"But she will be." I retorted, getting angrier with him. "She'll get the Mark and she'll have to do whatever Father asks her to do. He's going to give her a task to accomplish while we're in Hogwarts. Either she fulfills it or he'll kill her once she'll give us the Heir he wants. She might be innocent for now, but she won't be for long. You're not that dumb to not know it. I don't know what task she'll be given, but it will probably be to kill someone. Will she still be innocent to you after commiting a murder ? That's if she's even capable of doing it !"

He pinched his lips in a thin line, looking away from me. I scoffed. Love or not, he was pathetic to feel anything for her. She was just a fucking womb for my Heir. She'll never be nothing more in our Fathers eyes or mine.

Tom ran a hand through his locks, pulling at them in frustration.

"I have to go. I swear if I hear you've hurt her I'll kill you myself, Mattheo. Brother or not."

I frowned, taken aback by his words. Was he threatening me ?

"It's a promise, not a threat."

I glared at him for reading my mind. He left, bumping into my shoulder harshly when passing by me. I clenched my jaw and my fists. He had some nerves to threaten me just for some bitch. I followed him with my eyes, watching him entering the Manor and closing the door behind him. I took another cigarette from my pack and lit it, inhaling its smoke.

Tom's words were running in my mind over and over again. Was she that innocent ? Did I really want to ruin the small relationship I had with my brother for some bitch ?

I ran a frustrated hand through my locks, pulling at them. The truth was I didn't. Tom and I weren't close, but he was still my little brother. It had always been my job to protect him and it still was. If I had to be less of an asshole to her to make him happy and be able to protect him, then I will leave her be.

Sold to the Devil | M.R | +18 | English version | 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉Where stories live. Discover now