𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 9

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My head hurt like hell. I started to hear voices, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I slowly opened my eyes and a pained groan escaped my throat.

"Aelys !" I couldn't recognize that voice, my brain was foggy and I had no idea of what had happened. I remembered the train, our arrival at Hogwarts, the sorting ceremony, the Slytherin common room, but my brain couldn't remember what happened after talking to that blond boy.

"Hey, you're okay, come on, open your pretty eyes, sweetheart."

I hadn't realized I had closed them once again. I did as the person asked me and my vision became clearer after a few seconds. Blue eyes met my sight and I tried to speak as I recognized them, my voice hoarse.

"Tom ?" A sigh of relief escaped his lips and his arms engulfed me in an embrace. My head against his chest I felt myself relax as the sound of his heartbeat and his mahogany smell. He made me feel safe.

"What happened ?" I whispered since my throat was hurting.His grip tightened before he exhaled and relaxed his hold again.

"I'm going to kill him." He spoke through gritted teeth.


"After the interaction with Pucey, Mattheo brought you back to your dorm and he fucking broke the promise he made to not hurt you."

Memories started to flow back in my mind and I melted more against Tom. He ran his fingers in my hair and kissed my head.

"It's okay, sweetheart, you're safe."

I nodded and closed my eyes, letting him comfort me. His hand brushed slightly against my throat and I held my breath, shivering under his touch.

"He fucking bruised you." He growled.

I felt tears threatening to spill but I held them back. I didn't want to seem weak. Suddenly, I heard the door opening and I stiffened. I wasn't ready to see him.

"Oh my- Aelys, you're awake !"

I relaxed at Pansy's voice and soon, I felt her arms join Tom's. They both hug me tightly, whispering sweet nothing in my ears. We stayed like this for a while before Pansy spoke again.

"Okay, now you need to explain why the fuck you have to share a room with Riddle and why he fucking hurt you !"

So I told her everything. How I had to marry him, that I had to give him and the Dark Lord an Heir, my task, how he treated me. I didn't keep any secret from her. When I was done, she was fuming. Tom let go of me and she brought me in her arms while he got up and started to pace around the room.

"I told him to not touch you. I promised I would kill him if he did. I intend to keep that promise." Tom spoke through gritted teeth, his fists balled.

I stood up and went to him, taking his hand in mine. He loosened them immediately and interlocked our fingers. His blue eyes met mine and softened.

"You can't do that, Tom. Your Father would hurt you..."

"I don't give a fuck, Aelys." He shook his head. "I promised you you would be safe and I let him harm you. I can't let him get away with it."

I shot a look at Pansy, silently pleading for her to help me and she arched an eyebrow. She smirked and got up, coming to stand next to me.

"She's right, Tom. It will be stupid to kill him." He opened his mouth, ready to protest but she raised a finger, telling him to keep quiet and he did, rolling his eyes. "But, it doesn't mean we can't make him pay. First of all, I know you have to marry this asshole and that you're going to try and be the perfect wife so you won't get killed, but you're not going to let him treat you like shit any longer. You have to stand up for yourself, Babe."

I nodded softly. I had let him step on me since the beginning and was sick of it. He almost killed me earlier just because he was pissed !

"You're right, being a good wife doesn't mean I have to let him treat me like trash."

"Atta girl !" She squealed happily while clapping her hands. "Don't worry, I'll help you to awaken your inner bad bitch."

"Wait, you want to turn her into you ?" Tom raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

She nodded while rolling her eyes, playfully pushing him.

"First lesson starts tonight. There's a party in the common room, like every year. You're going to show him what you got. We're going to make you look hot as fuck. All eyes need to be on you. That'll piss him off."

"He's not going to be jealous, Pans." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just a womb for him, he doesn't give two shits about me, remember."

"He still won't like it." Tom spoke. "He might not like you but you're still meant to be his. My brother doesn't like to share his possession and we all know he considers you as such."

He had a point. In Mattheo's eyes, I belonged to him. He had made it clear the other day. Having other boys eyes on me would definitely make him mad. After all, Enzo had been flirty earlier and he had told him to fuck off, and he was his friend.

"Alright, so all eyes on me, got it." I nodded. "Then what ? What do I do if a boy flirts with me ?" I frowned.

"If you think he's cute, flirt back." Pansh shrugged. Then, she turned to Tom and shot him a warning look. "But you'll have to behave too, Tommy boy. You won't be allowed to kick their asses."

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief. Why would he do that ? Tom rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw before nodding.

"Do you have any hot dresses ?" Pansy turned to me. She sighed as I shook my head 'no'. "Well, come on, we're going to my dorm. You'll just borrow one of mine."

We all exited my dorm and I trailed behind my cousin to hers. Tom greeted us goodbye and went to his own. She locked the door behind us and I shot a saddened look at the empty bed in her room. I wished I could have been her roomate, not Mattheo's. She gave me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder and a small smile before rushing to her closet. She started to pull out dresses so I could try them before choosing the right one.

"I'll do your make-up after. The one you always have won't do tonight, Babe. I know you like it light but you'll like the change."

I nodded and sat on her bed, waiting for her to give me the go to try on the dresses. Her words to Tom kept running in my mind and I started to fidget with my fingers, debating if I should ask her about it or not.

"What's wrong, babe ?" She asked softly.

"It's just... Why did you say Tom had to behave as well tonight ?" I bit my bottom lip while looking down and she chuckled.

She came to sit beside me on her bed and took my hands in hers.

"He likes you, babe."

"No, he doesn't." I frowned, confused.

"Yes, he does. Why else would he have lectured his own brother to not hurt you ? There's also the fact he holds your hand like he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go. Or how he looks at you as if you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He does like you, Aelys."

I didn't know what to say. Was she right ? Sure, he always interlocked our fingers whenever he would hold my hand, but it was what friends do. Right ?

"Look, pay attention to him tonight, okay ? If he doesn't look at you like every other boy will, I'll admit I was wrong. Deal ?"

I nodded, sure that she was indeed wrong.

Sold to the Devil | M.R | +18 | English version | 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖉Where stories live. Discover now