My Arrogant Oblivion And Illusion

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In a very distant place, and located mostly in a mountainous area, there was a fairly large and prosperous kingdom. It was populated by many people and the royal family lived in a huge castle with several rooms and halls for all kinds of occasions.

The King and Queen often hosted artists, ambassadors, scholars, businessmen and other people at their court. They were fascinated by cultural exchanges in particular, so much that sometimes they traveled abroad.

They had two sons. Prince Sunghoon Park, the eldest son, has magical powers since he was born: he can create and manipulate ice and snow. His hair was pitch black and his eyes the color of the sky when it snows. His parents were surprised but also frightened by this power and tried to hide it from all those who did not belong to their close family circle.

Their second son is Prince Jay Park, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was a playful child who loved his brother very much, open and sociable, unlike the other who was a little more introvert and shy.

One day, the two children were playing together while their parents were busy with the usual royal chores.

«Let's play with the snow!»

«Jay come here and see!»

Sunghoon had just formed a snowman on the floor. They had a great time. Their laughter echoed in the room, running, throwing snowballs, playing hide-and-seek.

Suddenly, while creating snow crystals, Sunghoon ended up inadvertently hitting his little brother in the head with some ice, leaving him unconscious.

«Oh no Jay!»

Sunghoon immediately ran to hold his brother in his arms, crying, and continuing to call him and his parents.

«Sunghoon! Jay! What's going on?»

The great doors of the hall opened wide, and the King and Queen ran to their sons. Sunghoon sobbed terrified and trembling, so his mother went to reassure him by hugging him while his father took Jay.

The king glanced at his wife, who nodded at him and then hurried out together and got into a carriage that began to move quickly.

«Mother, where are we going?» asked little Sunghoon.

«We are going to the tribe of the Great Healers to help your brother.»

The child nodded and looked worried at Jay who was still unconscious in the arms of his father.

They arrived early, got out of the carriage and waited until four cloaked men approached the family.

One of these four stepped forward and took off his hood. He looked rather young and seemed a sunny person, seeing the slight smile on his face.

«I am Kim Sunoo, the leader of the tribe of the Great Healers. Tell me, Your Majesty, what trouble afflicts you and I will do everything in my power to help you.»

The royal couple told the incident to Sunoo and the latter stopped his gaze on Jay and Sunghoon, trying to analyze and explain the situation.

«So, I think you should know that the power of Sunghoon, while being a fascinating gift, is also a tremendous curse.»
The couple looked shocked.

«What should we do then?»

Sunoo stooped to talk face to face with the firstborn.

«Listen to me Sunghoon, now you have to pay attention to what I'm gonna tell you. Never let yourself be overwhelmed by any kind of emotion, especially fear. If you can control your emotions, you'll control your powers, too, you know?»

The child nodded, hesitating slightly, and the Healer smiled at him and stood up. He then placed his hand on Jay's head and told the royals that he had removed from the second son's mind the memory of his brother's powers to save him, but not the good times spent together.

The royals promised that Sunghoon would learn to control his powers before they become too dangerous, to try to prevent other incidents like this from happening again in the future or others might consider him a monster.

Since that day, the King and Queen have kept the eldest son hidden from the world and from Jay, despite the minor being opposed to separation from his brother.

Over the years, however, Sunghoon was unable to control his power. Seeing that it grows stronger and stronger, the boy closes even more in himself becoming increasingly cold, because he fears to hurt those he loves. He frequently stays in his room, now become his world, almost never opening the door.

But here comes his 18th birthday. The two brothers were in opposite parts of the castle and the only movement within the structure was that of the various servants and who kept everything at bay since the king and queen had just left for a very important travel.

It was evening and Jay was walking through the long corridors to get to the main hall when he heard a scream and started running.

The servant responsible for the delivery and dispatch of the letters had turned pale and held in his hands a small sheet of paper.

«P-Prince Jay, come now!»

Jay grabbed that piece of paper and as soon as he finished reading he felt dizzy and staggered, clinging to the other before falling to the ground.

«It's not possible. I cannot believe it.»

Tears were already running on his face. He went in the direction of his brother's room and once in front of his door he announced the news.

«Hyung, our parents died in a shipwreck.»

He heard Sunghoon crying on the other side as the air cooled down, probably because of his powers.

«Jay, are you still there?»

«Yes Sunghoon, I'm here.»

«Now it's up to the two of us.»

«Just the two of us.»

And so that day had a sad end for the two brothers.

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