Chapter 3 Fawning at Her Feet

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  Marinette went back to making silver thread.    She had only recently figured out how to use the spinning wheel.  She knew how to hand stitch lace onto garments, mend clothes, and add buttons or zippers.

   She finished using up all the straw in the place.

   She sighed.  What could she do with the thread?


   She saw the goblin's pants had a hole in the side.  

     She pulled a needle out of her pocket. Hmm, she had forgotten it was there.

     She used some of the thread and the needle to repair the hole in the side of his pants. She did not notice that as she repaired it the area turned a goldish color.

        Marinette heard a knock at the door. She opened it.

   "Hi, Miss! "

    It was an old cobbler. He handed her a bouquet of flowers and a pair of new shoes.

  He told her a sad tale. Then, he asked her to marry him to ease his lonely heart.

    "Sir, I am sorry for I can not marry you. We have only met and I do not want to lead you on sir."

    The cobbler left.  Strange, she thought.  He is such an odd man.

   She went to sleep a few hours later.

     The next morning at seven o'clock another knock was heard at the door.

       She was still fast asleep. The goblin opened the door.

          "Can not you see the fair maiden is resting?"

         The knight entered.  He made such a noise he woke the damsel up.

        "Oh, hello."

      The goblin rolled his eyes. 

        The girl listened to the knight's speech, his playing of a lute, and waved him farewell.

           Next, a giant came by followed by a grumpy ogre.

             Marinette stood there shocked as each visitor tried to woe her. She was not impressed.

                Was this a joke or a test perhaps?

           "Look, I am not interested in any of you."

            The giant and ogre left.

                A  prince came by but appeared to be stuck up. All he did was bore the girl as he bragged about the latest conquest he achieved and about how he had all the women fainting due to his stunning good looks.

                The goblin shook his head in dismay.

                Marinette laughed. She knew there was no way this prince stood a chance either.

                  "Well, it seems you are not my type."

              Princes, ogres, giants, fairy men, a male dragon, a few beasts, and many others stopped by to try to impress her. Each had their own ideas on how to reel her into their good standing.

                A few goblins and others tried too.

                Marinette grew tired of it all, yawned, and fell back to sleep.

                 Her roommate thought the whole thing was rather absurd.  He refused to open the door at the last knock of the day.  Whoever it was grew annoyed and went on their way.

                 He felt sad as she had not gotten closer to her true love.

             Find out more in Chapter 4  Something Special

          Until then,

        bye-bye, little owlets!

        Summer out!


Viperstien by Summer Cheng (@SummerCheng37)Where stories live. Discover now