Part 8

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Two weeks later...

Two weeks had passed and, still, there had been no word from Robert. He had not contacted you and no one at the science faculty knew where he was. Haakon, too, had not heard from him and you certainly did not want to ask his wife Kitty about his whereabouts, no matter how worried you were when it came to his safety.

Over the past week, however, governmental security at Berkley had been ramped up and, in particular, Robert's office as well as the two physics labs across the hallway from it, were guarded by army personnel.

No one was allowed to enter and, even though this impacted the research for your thesis, you did not dare to argue with these intimidating men, carrying guns and grimacing looks on their faces.

One man, in particular, stood out to you. He was tall, arrogant, and even more intimidating than the other. He was only there occasionally to check on how matters were progressing and it was this very same man who pulled you aside on a Friday afternoon and asked you to join him in Robert's office.

"My name is General Lesley Groves" he introduced himself before gesturing for you to sit down on the chair across from Robert's desk while he took a seat on Robert's chair.

"Y/N Y/LN, pleasure to meet you" you said, attempting to shake his hand, but he would not allow it and gave you a stern look instead.

"I know who you are" he then said before placing a file with your name written atop of it on the desk, close enough for you to read the sentence "Security File" but far enough away from you for you not to reach it.

"Okay, so why am I here, in this room, with you, General Groves?" you asked nervously but politely, seeing how intimidating this man was for you.

"You are here because Dr J Robert Oppenheimer thinks very highly of you and I need to determine why" he told you sternly and hearing those words from the General came as a relief to you as, at least now, you knew that Robert was thinking of you.

"It's about his project then, isn't it?" you asked, wanting get some more information from this intimidating man who, unbeknownst to you at this point, was not going to give anything away.

"The project?" he thus asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Now tell me, Miss Y/LN, what did Dr Oppenheimer tell you about the project?" he then wanted to know why giving you another intimidating look over.

"Nothing much. He just said that he would like me to join his team and that it would be a good career opportunity" you lied, causing the General to furrow his eyebrows again, this time more evidently than before.

"Well, he actually asked for two of his students to join this highly secretive government operation and, in both instances, security clearance was denied" the General pointed out, causing your heart to sink. You expected this to be the case since, after all, your parents were well known communists and, yet, you had been somewhat hopeful for a miracle.

"Now, with respect to the other student, my staff's decision to deny him clearance was accepted by Dr Oppenheimer. There was no issue whatsoever. With you, however, Dr Oppenheimer held firm to his belief that your involvement in the project is vital. With your status as an undergrad student however, I cannot, for the life of me, understand why your involvement is so important to a man of Dr Oppenheimer's intelligence. So, perhaps, you can shed some light into his reasons me?" the General then asked you in the most intimidating manner and you really did not know what to say and how to answer him.

"Did you ask him about his reasons?" you thus asked without receiving any sort of reaction from General Groves. "Because, if not, I suggest that you do that rather than interrogate me. Now would you excuse me" you then told him while standing up. You were ready to leave and, since the General did nothing but stare at you for the past two minutes, you were frustrated by the situation. You knew that there was nothing you could do about the army's decision to deny your security clearance and, thus, simply wanted to put this matter to rest.

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