Part 12

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Just as you both heard the familiar voice, you startled and without even being able to precisely comprehend what was happening, the door opened, giving you barely any time to cover up.

General Groves, however, did not appear to be surprised to see you like this when he entered while you and Robert, on the other hand, were utmost embarrassed by being walked in on by a high-ranking army official.

"Put on some clothes Robert!" the General ordered before throwing Robert his pants which is also when you finally spoke up after finally having collected your thoughts.

"You have no right to come in here like this" you spat while holding on to the sheets and thereby covering your naked breasts.

"I have every right Miss Y/LN" General Groves corrected you before pointing out that Robert was now working for the US government and, therefore, had to adhere to certain rules.

"Now, please, follow me, Robert. I have some important matters to discuss with you" the General then said, turning to Robert as he awkwardly watched him getting dressed.

"And these matters can't wait?" Robert sighed and, going by the sound of his voice, it was obvious that he was annoyed.

"No Robert, they cannot, although you will appreciate what I am about to tell you" General Groves continued to say before instructing you to leave the hotel and report to Officer Nichols at Berkley university at nine o'clock sharp.

"Why? Am I being interrogated?" you asked after having noticed that there were two more army officials outside your room, listening in on your conversation with General Groves. "We did not do anything wrong!" you thus pointed out which was a statement that, in the end, made General Groves laugh.

"That remains to be seen. Now please, follow my orders ma'am" General Groves told you before pulling Robert towards the door and out of the room.

"Just do as he says Y/N. Please" Robert begged you before he left the room and followed General Groves down the hallway before taking a sharp left, into another room which was equipped with several devices.

The devices he saw were top of the art monitors and radios that had been connected to listening devices inside your room, which is when Robert realised that, this entire time, you had been listened to, even when you had been intimate with each other.

The thought of this made Robert sick and he immediately questioned the General as to how, on earth, he justified this kind of action after Robert, himself, had been nothing but committed to the project.

"Your commitment is not the problem, Robert" Lesley Groves explained before telling Robert that he had been given clear instructions not to see you again, which were instructions he clearly refused to follow.

"I had no such instructions" Robert although ought to clarify before explaining to General Groves that all he was instructed to do was not to liaise with communists and, in his eyes, you were not a communist.

"You are very well aware of Y/N Y/LN's communist ties, Robert" General Groves argued but Robert shook his head and chuckled.

"Alleged communist ties" he corrected his superior who, as usual, enjoyed Robert's attitude and arrogance to a point. It was one of the reasons he hired him and he now had to deal with the consequences of putting such a stubborn man in charge.

"Very well, alleged communist..." Lesley Groves then began to chuckle momentarily before making a suggestion which Robert did not expect.

"If I was to bring her on to the project at Los Alamos, will you albeit by the rules? Because I need you to have a firm grip on this Robert and I most certainly need your help with implementing and enforcing compartmentalisation inside the complex, which is something I cannot do if you keep stepping out of line" Lesley Groves said with some anger in his voice, seeing that, to date, some of the scientists were running havoc, causing the project's integrity to be at risk.

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