Part 15

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The morning after....

Early morning sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains covering the window in a room still somewhat unfamiliar to you. Even after six weeks, you were not used to waking up like this, next to the man you had unexpectedly fallen in love with.

You were still blissfully unaware of the new day's arrival, the sunlight falling on your face and illuminating your skin until you seemed to glow with the morning's light. As the early hours of the morning wore on, you began to stir, shifting your position repeatedly in the quest for comfort and a few more minutes of blissful unconsciousness.

But, your quest was abruptly cut short as you felt an alien sensation enter your world. At first, your mind, still clouded by sleep, could not identify it, and all you knew was that it was not Robert by your site.

It was a different feeling, almost like a whiff of air slowly following the curvature of your spine as it made its way down your back. Stopping at the small of your back, it would rebound, travelling upwards until it reached its starting location and began the process anew.

"Y/N?" you then heard a voice, quiet and nervous, and your quickly-wakening mind slowly came to grips with the feeling.

It was, indeed, cold air that slowly moved over your naked back as someone entered the room, quietly, ensuring not to wake you until they were sure it was you as you were facing the opposite direction.

"Lilli? What are..." you began to say, recognising her voice as you turned over quickly in bed, suddenly coming face to face with the source of your awakening.

"I hope you are well rested, Y/N, but you have to get up right now", Lilli said, her eyes staring into yours with a mix of concern and apprehension.

"Where is Robert?" you asked, seeing she was in his house and knew about your relationship now as she stood in his bedroom, out of all places.

"In the lab, dealing with an incident," Lilli informed you before throwing your clothes at you, which were found scattered across the bedroom floor.

"Another?" you asked, surprised, while quickly putting on your underwear, pants and blouse.

"Yes, but that is the least of your problems right now", Lilli told you before informing you that, an hour ago, Kitty Oppenheimer arrived at Los Alamos and is currently undergoing the intake.

"Fuck", you cursed before hurrying up and gathering your things quickly.

"Make sure you grab everything. Now hurry," Lilli hurried you along, panicking and knowing very well that she should not be here at Robert Oppenheimer's residence, warning his mistress, who happened to be her friend.

In Lilli's mind, all this was disastrous, and without speaking to each other initially, you followed Lilli back to T-101 in haste.

Deep down inside, you hated Kitty being at Los Alamos and taking Robert away from you, but you also knew that she had every right to. After all, you were the intruder in their marriage, not the other way around. But then, there was Robert's promise. He promised you it would just be you and him, and now this promise was broken.

That, of course, you knew was not his fault and yet, you desperately wanted his wife to go away and pretend for a bit longer than your relationship was what you believed it was. Robert was your lover and the one you hoped to be with for the rest of your life, and the thought of this prospect filled your heart with blissful warmth.

Being your friend, Lilli, of course, cautioned you, and just as you rearranged your things inside the small room of yours, she started to give you a lecture.

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