Indy looked into the mirror of Gale's apartment bathroom, feeling her heart rate pick up. Ethan had let her know what's going on after she was fixed. Her stomach wound wasn't as bad as she would have thought.
"Wow, you really do take after me." Indy heard a voice causing her to look left and right before someone showed up in the mirror in front of her, "It's dad sweetheart."
"Stu..." Indy mumbled as she splashed her face with water, but he was still in front of her, "This is impossible, what the fuck is happening?"
"Of course, this is impossible." Stu said moving closer to the mirror making it look like he was standing face to face with Indy, "But I'm your imagination here to say, do it for daddy."
"I'm not two anymore." Indy growled looking at him full of anger, "And you're a fucking phsyco, not my father."
"How?" Stu asked catching Indy off guard, "We've both killed people. We've both made jokes at times we shouldn't have. You're just as fucking psychotic as me kiddo."
His laugh was the last thing that she heard before he disappeared. Indy just stared at the mirror in shock trying to figure out what to do. She sighed before pulling the mask over her face and grabbed her voice modifier before calling Sam from Richie's number.
"You're gonna die you know." Was the first thing that Sam had said.
"No, you're gonna die, Samantha." Indy said, fighting her tears, "Chocking on your own blood while I hack up your sister."
"Unless we find you first." Sam replied causing Indy to force a laugh.
"For a mastermind you're not very bright, are you now?" Indy fake laughed as she thought about what she was becoming.
Maybe her father was right.
"Waiting for me to call, desperate, hoping that I'm somewhere nearby just so the police can grab me? Let me in on a little secret, Sam, I'm not as stupid as you think. I mean after all I am a step ahead. I'll be seeing you, Samantha, very, very, soon." Indy then hung up as she stepped out of Gale's bathroom.
Indy had disconnected all the security cameras in the building. Making sure there was no possible way that she could be tracked, and she had Ethan's father do a follow up that way she is sure not to get caught.
"Hello?" A man asked as Indy requested to talk to Gale, "May I ask who's calling?"
Indy had just needed to call Sam to tease her, then she had to call Gale to get the real work done. Which was to kill Gale. Something she wasn’t sure about doing but knew she couldn’t not kill her.
"The killer." Indy replied, knowing that she would have to kill two people if there is a man in Gale's apartment which only hurt Indy.
"Hello?" A women asked and Indy smiled knowing that it was Gale.
"Hello, Gale." Indy said, she couldn't stop thinking about her father wondering if she was doing the right thing or if her father was just getting to her head.
And she had a feeling it was the second option.
"Strange that you and I have never spoken on the phone. This is long overdue." Indy continued as she slowly walked along the large apartment halls.

The killer's killer
FanficIndianna 'Indy' Hicks is the adopted daughter of Judy Hicks. She would do anything to protect her best friend Tara Carpenter even if it means murder. After going through the first round of killres Indy and Tara become more as they have to face more...