Chapter 17: Letting Mindy Know

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Once Indy had gotten to the train station, she put yet another costume back on. She got on the train and spotted Ethan and Mindy. It hurt that Ethan was there, it made Indy realize she had to at least try and kill Mindy. 

Indy slowly made her way towards Mindy as it got dark in the train. Mindy had looked scared as she noticed which hurt Indy even more as she got closer and closer. Until she was right there in front of her.  

Indy's knife was shoved into Mindy, after Indy covered Mindy’s mouth. She felt horrible but she only did it once before Mindy fell to the ground. Indy knelt removing her mask and setting it in Mindy's lap. Mindy looked shocked, figuring out who one of the killer’s was, but for some reason she didn’t seem mad. 

"It's okay, you'll be okay." Indy whispered before getting off the train, she put her beanie back on as she let her costume fall to the ground, and she put her flannel on. 

Indy had gotten her last Ghostface costume from her apartment. Which was none other than Stu Matcher's costume. She stared at herself in the mirror as her father reappeared. 

"See I knew you could do it." Stu laughed as he starred down his daughter, "You killed one of the last living legacy characters, congrats little one." 

"I can't do it anymore." Indy cried as she removed her mask and starred at her dad with tears, "I can't keep playing this fucked up game!" 

"Sure, you can, all you have to do is take a knife to your pretty little girlfriends throat." Stu said before disappearing. 

"GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!" Indy shouted as she punched the mirror, causing it to shatter to pieces, "Screw this, I'm killing Ethan and his stupid fucking father." 

Indy put her mask over her face and grabbed her bat as she walked out of her apartment. She was not going to let him, and his father kill her friends, that was not how this was going to go. 

Indy walked into a room to see Ethan stabbing Chad several time. Indy made her way over and pretended to help stab Chad while Tara and Sam were freaking out. 

Ethan chased the two girls out of the room as Chad looked at Indy confused. He knew that she wasn't stabbing him, but he wondered why. Once the door was closed to the other room and no one could see Indy knelt down. 

"Don't you think I've taken enough beating." Chad asked using what sounded to be the last of his breath. 

"Yeah, I do." Indy replied, removing her mask with a soft and regretful smile. 

"Indianna?" He asked in shock as Indy pulled a wrap out from her costume and placed it in his hand. 

"Mindy knows too, she's okay." Indy explained as she helped Chad up, "There's an emergency exit down that hall, get out call the cops, and get yourself an ambulance. GO!" 

After standing there in disbelief for a second Chad took off running. Indy grabbed her back and walked out into the main room where she saw Ethan and his dad standing in front of Tara, Sam, and Kirby's half-live body. 

Indy joined the two standing to the right of Ethan's dad. Who was also Quinn's dad. Quinn had threatened to kill Indy, so Ethan decided to kill her instead of keeping her alive. It was the best he could do, he loved Indy even if she didn't love him back. 

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