Part 37

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Mattheo's POV

It's currently 6:47 and I'm sweating pints.

What if she rejects me?

What is she doesn't feel the same way?

Fuck what if she doesn't even like me and has been playing me?

"Jake why if she does reject me" I say whining to him

"She won't trust me" he says trying to be reassuring but it's not working

"Do you have a gift?" Enzo asks me

"Yeah it's a necklace I got it a couple days after you guys getting the dark mark" I say

"Ok well you need to get down to the lake and wait for her" Blaise says trying to shove me out the door

"How do I look" I ask them all

"Amazing now go" Jake says

"I am Jesus" I say under my breath

As I'm walking down to the lake I just think to myself.

Why did I leave nova in charge of my date?

If she has set it up good though I may have to pay her. How much though I would say 5 galleons would be plenty.

I have my plan on tonight ok remember Mattheo remember.

1 - compliment her on something I haven't complimented her on before.

2 - have dinner or whatever I've been given to eat.

3 - watch the sunset together

4 - give her the necklace.

Shit do I have the necklace

I pay my pockets to realise I do in fact have the necklace

Close call.

And finally 5 - ask her out

A bonus would be us having sex. But I'm not a horny boy I'm a decent man.

As I get closer to the lake my heart starts racing

Fuck why am I like this.

I know she won't reject me so why am I like this.

If she does reject me I'm pitching myself off of the astronomy tower.

I don't care what anyone says I'm gonna do that because I can't live without knowing she's mine.

Shit I sound like a physco right now.

I reach the lake and see all of the girls standing there waiting.

"You look good brother" Molly says when I walk over

"I'm shitting myself right now" I say stopping in-front of them

"Don't worry I already know she's going to say yes" nova says trying to reassure me

"I hope she does" I say

"Mate listen to her she can literally see the future" Pansy says to me

"You can?" I ask her

"Yep apart of the Novak powers" she tells me

"Your so lucky" I say to her

"You can literally speak parseltounge" Molly tells me

"Yeah but imagine if I could see the future" I say to her

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now