Part 5

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Felix exited the school being met by his friends who were standing where they said they'd be, "oh lix we decided to get ready at my house" Han said as he texted on his phone, most likely to tell Minho to meet him here. They talked for a few minutes before they were joined by the rest of the group "Seungmin what time is the car meet ?" Asked Changbin.
"Around 8 at the river basin" he replied, the river basin used to be a river but the water dried out and now it's an empty concrete hang out spot. It's where all the car scene people go and have their meets, Seungmin cousin is usually the one in charge of the meeting places along with another guy he's never met before, he just knows he has red hair.

"Ok so we'll get ready and then all meet up at the corner store that's by there", "all right" everyone said as they went their separate ways. "Felix will you be getting ready at my house ?" Han asked as he held hands with Minho "yeah I just have to go see you know who .. make sure he's okay" he sighed.
His boyfriends house was on the way to his so it only made sense to drop by his house and visit him, Felix walked up and got into the car with his brother
The destination wasn't far so the conversation between the brothers didn't last long, "I'll walk home right after, I just need to talk to him" Felix told his brother who decided it was better to just stay in case.

Felix walked up to the door, knocking lightly when the door swung open "oh hi Felix" his boyfriends mother said, "oh hi, how is he ?" He asked, she looked at him and gave him a faint smile. "He's up in his room sick like a dog" she chuckled, allowing the boy to come in and signaling him to go upstairs. Felix walked up the stairs and knocked on the first door to his left "come in" he heard from behind the door, he entered the room which was dark, the blinds were closed and only the faint light of the phone was illuminating the room. "Hi lix" his boyfriend said, his boyfriend was known for his nicknames so the fact he wasn't using them right now on the blonde, meant he was upset.
"Look are we really going to do this ? I don't want to fight with you but you need to STOP with the insecurity thing... it's getting anno-"
"How do you think I feel ? How can I not think that way if you ? You are popular and attractive and I know there's guys that like-"
Felix let out a big sound of annoyance "ugh ! That's what I'm talking about ! You work yourself up over nothing and then want me to dim my own light to make you feel better ! I'm not cheating ! I don't like anyone else !" He said frustrated.
This wasn't the first time his boyfriend has made up scenarios and accused him of cheating and making him feel guilty for things he hasn't even done.
"Ok Felix I'm sorry ! I'm sorry that my insecurities are too much for you, you should go find someone better" his boyfriend sighed.

The blonde rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry okay .. baby i just don't want to lose you and" his boyfriend got up and walked towards the blonde, hugging him and rocking his body back and forth. He began to kiss him on his neck, "aht aht you're still sick and I can't miss practice" the blonde let out, "oh come on it will be quick .. i want you so bad" the boyfriend whispered trying to be seductive. Felix let out a groan "no .. I'm not in the mood" as he tried to get his boyfriends arms off him, *RING RING*
"saved by the bell" Felix thought to himself, as he picked up the phone, his boyfriend sighing in annoyance.

"Hey lix, do you want me to just go home ?"

"No channie, I'm coming right now give me 5 minutes"

"Ok I'll be right here"

Felix hung up the phone and turned to his boyfriend who was already sulking "look I'll come over tomorrow and we can cuddle and watch movies together" he said, trying to help the boy feel better.
"Where are you going with Chan ?" He asked as Felix hugged him, "he wants to go to this car meet thing, I don't know" Felix could feel his boyfriends body get tense. "Well I'll call you tonight okay" Felix smiled, ignoring all his boyfriends signs of not wanting him to go, he didn't get to hang with chan often, let alone his friends so against all his boyfriends sulking and pleading for him to stay home, Felix left.
He hated being home all the time and as mean as this sounds, spending every second of every day with his boyfriend wasn't fun anymore, it was overbearing and all the times they hung out always turned into them bickering. He was tired.

Felix bid farewell and in response was told "have fun" with the most sarcastic tone, but the blonde didn't care. He went into Chan's car as they headed home, "how was it ?" Chan asked, the blonde only relaying that "he didn't want to talk about it"
"I need to get ready" Felix sighed.

Time Lapse

"Felix ! Are you almost ready ?" Chan shouted from downstairs "we told them at 7:00 !" He added, hoping this would signal his brother to hurry.
"I'm coming" felix shouted from upstairs, he was in his bedroom debating between a skirt or some pants, felix didn't like dressing feminine in unknown places simply because there's people who are still judgmental and he wasn't trying to get the stares.
He ultimately decided on pants, "ok I'm done" he yelled, spraying some perfume and running down the stairs. "Felix we're going to a car meet not a runway" Chan hissed, the blonde laughing sarcastically and rolling his eyes "yeah yeah whatever let's go" they locked up the house and got in the car. The distance from their house to the meet up place wasn't at all far and they got there quickly.

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