Part 45

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After the two had a sweet moment together, it came the hard part. Lix had to tell everyone what was going on, he called his friends one by one inviting them over, but with Hyunjin on his side it didn't seem too bad.

The group of friends all sat in the living room, silent enough to hear a pin drop. "What do you think happened ?" Han whispered, Innie shrugged
Chan came to the center of the living room, "guys so I know you're probably wondering why you're all here and - I want you to be understanding - please no jokes or overwhelming questions - please" he exhaled, the group all nodded in agreement as they heard Felix come down the stairs, Hyunjin on his side holding his hand. Felix was wearing a robe and covering his eyes "Felix ? What's going on ?" Innie asked, the blonde sighed "I" he slowly shimmied the robe off, the friends all let out a gasp.
Innie began to get tears in his eyes "L-lix did that son of a bitch do that to you !" Innie yelled, the whole group shocked that the younger cussed in that way. Felix nodded "How Long ?" Han added, his tears falling down his cheeks. "A couple months .."
Changbin, Minho and Seungmin grew angry "let's go get that stupid fucker" Minho growled, "wait wait - let's not do anything tonight, we're pressing charges" Felix's father exclaimed "I don't want you all to ruin your futures with this, let the police handle him" he added, the group nodded.
It broke his friends hearts to see this, their happy go lucky Felix covered head to toe in marks, and what hurt even more was how long the boy went suffering in silence, how he felt he couldn't come to them.
They were angry, sad, disappointed.

"So are you and Hyunjin - ?" Changbin asked, "bin really ? Not right now" Seungmin replied.
Felix smiled "it's alright Min.. and yes I - we decided to be together, he is who I want to be with and we love each other" he smiled, Hyunjin's palms got sweaty when no one said anything.
The group was silent for a second but bursted into cheers, "AY - i knew it" Han yelled, the group embraced the two boys "welcome to the family, Hyunjin" Changbin exclaimed picking up the man and swinging him around. Felix laughed at his friends, smothering the boy. "Hyun why didn't you tell us you went to school with us ?" Minho asked, The raven laughed "you wouldn't have believed me and I - thought you wouldn't want to be my friends if you knew" the whole group shook their heads.
"Hyun the times have changed, we wouldn't mess with you for being different, we like you" Chan exclaimed.

The night went on, the group eating and watching a movie together. All of them making jokes and talking of stories, "hey pretty boy .. are you alright ?" Hyunjin whispered, Felix smiled leaning into the man's chest "I - I'm more then alright, thank you for coming back to me Hyunnie" he let out.
Hyunjin smiled "I never want to see you this way again, as long as I live I'll always be here for you" the blonde smiled and with no hesitation
"will you be my boyfriend ?" Felix whispered, Hyunjin smiled with his pretty eyes "i would love to be your boyfriend my baby" the two pecked each other slowly.

At School

"Come on baby, I promise I will hold your hand" Felix laughed, Hyunjin was terrified. Today he will be walking into the school with the blonde, as his boyfriend. "But - but what if - "No what ifs, you're my boyfriend and I want everyone to know" Felix smiled, giving a sweet kiss on his cheek.
The two got out, Hyunjin in his baggy clothes and hair in his face grabbed hands with the blonde.
Students waiting in the front shocked at the scene, Hyunjin walked by hearing everywhere whisper.
"How is Felix with him ? When did they get together
"Ignore them" he whispered to the raven.

Art class was very fun for the two, they sat together and drew together "what do you think ?" Felix smiled showing him his drawing, "it's beautiful my love" Hyunjin replied.

During Lunch, Hyunjin sat at a table by himself drinking his water... Felix walked with his shoulders back and passed the lawn, "why is Felix with that freak" he heard someone say, he ignored it with a smile as he walked towards the man.
Hyunjin was sitting with his earphones in when he felt the presence, he looked up to see the blonde standing there with a smile on his face
"Hyunnie can you get up ?" the man looked around to see everyone looking as well, "Um .. okay"
He got up slowly and looked at the blonde and before he could say anything he was pulled into a kiss, Felix pulled his jacket to deepen it, tongues swirling around each others tongue "hold me - baby, show them I'm yours" Felix whispers against his lips and Hyunjin did not hesitate, he pulled the man by his waist closer and closer "Mhm so rough just how I love it" Felix moaned "alright you two! Let's break it up" the principal exclaimed.
The two pulled apart slowly "we will continue this later, handsome" Felix winked.
Hyunjin was left stuck at his boyfriends action, the whole school was surprised but we're very supportive at the end of it. To some it was the cutest trope they've ever seen and to others, it just wasn't their business but to Hyunjin, it meant everything.
The blonde sacrificed so much to be with him, to show him off and he was so proud of it. Hyunjin got to thinking, maybe he needs to sacrifice as well.

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