Part 44

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Felix came home before his parents did racing to his room, locking his door behind him.
Running to his bathroom to grab a wet towel, his eye was swollen shut the bruise becoming more noticeable, as he cried into the towel.
His boyfriend asked him about Hyunjin and when he refused to say anything he hit him once again accidentally hitting his eye, his boyfriend always made sure to leave marks in places that can be hidden.

"Felix" he heard his brother yell from downstairs, Felix ran into his bed covering himself up "Felix" a knock came at the door. "Chan please go away" Chan and Hyunjin were on the other side of the door, "he's not going to let me in" Chan sighed, "I have a plan just follow my lead" Hyunjin whispered.
"Okay lix I'm leaving food right here by the door" Chan knocked, making loud step downstairs.
Hyunjin stayed by the door as he heard footsteps coming towards it, when it opened a bit.
Felix opened the door just a crack "hi baby doll"
Felix's breath got hitched, "H-Hyun ?"
Hyunjin smiled "hi baby.. can I come in ?"
Felix stopped and shook his head "no .. I - I can't"
Hyunjin's heart broke at the answer, "please my love - I have missed you so much" he pleaded, Felix shook his head and Hyunjin smiled, "alright ill sit by your door like a puppy until you're ready" and that's exactly what he did, Felix's parents came home and met the famous racer after Chan explained the WHOLE situation to them. Felix's parents were heartbroken but overall thankful for the racer for coming over.

"Son.. are you sure you wouldn't like to sleep on the couch ?" Mr. Lee asked, Hyunjin shook his head "no sir, I'm alright thank you very much"
He stayed up as long as he could until his body began to drift to sleep, feeling the door open he jolted awake. Felix stood there in the door way covered head to toe, "Hyunie" he cried silently, Hyunjin immediately stood up "what's the matter my love, tell Hyunnie" he exclaimed, Felix sobbed harder "can you - can you p-please hold me"
Hyunjin smiled "yes baby anything you want"
The two entered the room slowly, Felix jumping into the bed to cover himself quickly before Hyunjin began to lay down, the moment of silence before Felix began to speak "H- Hyunie please hold me" and as he asked the man delivered.
Felix had to move slowly due to all the soreness he felt, but when he wrapped in the man's embrace he immediately melted into his hold, his touch like a healing power and his heart beat like white noise to his ears as they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Hyunjin was awoken by the sound of the shower turning on and if Chan's suspicions were right then there was a reason he didn't want to leave the room. He waited until the boy finished and waited for him to come out and when he did, he was in his robe. Hyunjin peaked through his closed eyelids, and what he saw made his stomach drop to the floor.
The boy was covered head to toe in bruises, some purple, some yellow which indicated this has been going on for a while. Scratches in random places and hand marks around his arms, Felix quickly put on his top "baby doll .." he heard a voice say, he frantically turned to see the man standing there.
"Did - Did he do that to you ?" Hyunjin choked out, trying hard to not cry his heart out, Felix stood there with his eye swollen "baby .. did he do this to you ?" He repeated, Felix didn't move an inch.
Hyunjin began to cry "why - why didn't you tell me"
Felix didn't reply .. "I thought we could trust each other.. when we had sex the first time .. we made a promise to trust each other.."
"Why did you leave me ?" Felix admitted, Hyunjin shook his head "because i - I fell and I wasn't supposed to .." Felix slowly moved towards him "and why is that wrong ? Why is it wrong to fall in love with me ?"
Hyunjin sighed "it's not wrong, it's not wrong to be in love with you .. but I couldn't stand the thought of loving you when you belonged to someone else, you belong with me Lee Felix, you should be my boyfriend and I should be the one that you're holding hands with in public, the one you're kissing at lunch ... and I couldn't stand the thought of never having you all to myself" he cried, Felix hands grabbed his, "I love you - Hwang Hyunjin .. I'm in love with you and I want nothing more then to be yours, and what made you believe you couldn't win my heart ?" Felix asked.
Hyunjin shook his head "you're way out of my league and you're beautiful and popular and I'm just some weird kid that - "I never saw you that way"
Felix got up and made his way to his closet to grab a box, he placed it on the bed opening it to reveal something that he's kept dear to him all these years.
"Remember these ?" Felix asked, Hyunjin looked over to see 12 paper roses, crumpled and a little torn placed neatly in the box.

"Are - are those the - "yes they're the roses, you gave me .. back in 8th grade" he said, holding them carefully like they could fall apart if you didn't.
Hyunjin if he remembered correctly threw them away, "You threw them away and I grabbed them from the trash, I read each one, why did you dump them like that" he asked.
Hyunjin chuckled "because ... I'm a freak, a weirdo that you'd never give a chance too, that's at least what everyone told me.."
"And you listened to them ?"
Hyunjin let out a sigh, "they were right .. I -"
The man felt his body being pushed back into the bed, the blonde laying on top of him as he caressed his cheek "you know you were my first kiss ..." he said in a sweet tone, Hyunjin began to blush at the memory. "Don't you ever think you're not good enough for me, you are exactly who I want"
the two kissed gently, caressing each others faces.

"I love you"

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