Episode 1: Secret Of The Forest

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Narrator: Long ago, there was a dimension filled with wonderful magic.But then, darkness came into power, and the great battle began. The Army of the Undead, led by a powerful warrior, swarmed over the land, setting his sights on our Human World, and beyond. 

All seemed hopeless.. until a small group of brave and true wizards came forth. Against insurmountable odds, they battled heroically, They drove the evil back from the edge of the human world. And finally, the bravest wizard of them all casted a spell that sorted the armies into the UNDERWORLD. He sealed darkness into a giant gate for eternity, and EVIL DISAPPEARED from the surface of the world. 

But with great victory comes with a great loss. THe human world never knew of the great battle. Sacrifices that were made to save them from destruction. Even till this day, they live in peace, totally unaware of what is about.. to awaken...

(Scene changes)

Lime: Ah! It's been a while, Big Apple City.

(Starts up bike)



Scene changes to the Berryworks, where the berries are hanging out.



(Strawberry jamming)

Blueberry: Yo, Strawberry! That's really great.

Strawberry: Yeah!

Orange: Hyah! Yah! Yah! Hyah! Hyah!

Blueberry: Woah! Battling again, Orange?

Orange: HYAH!

LemoN: Heyy!

Blueberry: Hey, Lemon!


Blueberry: Oh! Bread!

(Everyone stops and gathers)

Lemon: Hey! Nice Snorkel, boss.

Strawberry: Weren't you taking the day off today?

Bread: (muffled speech) Yeah. (Removes) yes. As a matter of fact, I was at the beach. Snorkelling with the... little fishies. And one swam right up to my mask, and he looked at me, with his big fishy eyes, and he said, "Are your employees cleaning up the Berryworks like they said they would do now?" Now, I have to go back to the water, back to the reef, find the fish and say, NO.

Lemon: Why don't you relax, boss? Take a breather? I'll gather the troops and assign them things to do like sweep the floor, stock the foods, put out the trash, etc etc.

Bread: Oh, you mean do the jobs that I paid you for. (Looks at Strawberry, Orange and Blueberry) BERRIES!

Lemon: Alright, you heard the man. Snap to it. Orange, grab a broom, Blueberry, deal with the food, and Strawberry, throw out the trash. Snap snap!

(Sits down)

(Strawberry goes up to Lemon who is reading Mechamato The Movie Novelization)
(Removes a pillow)


Strawberry: And what are YOU DOING?
Lemon: Glad you asked. I'm Supervising. It's not as easy as it looks, and I know it looks like I'm not doing anything.But I'm actually very busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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