Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Hannah's pov

"Oh and Elijah's in the car. Bye." She added before shoving me in the car and closing the door as she sped off. Wait! What?!

"I'm gonna kill her." I muttered. I heard a chuckle and looked up to see who I assumed was Elijah, Rebekah's and Klaus's older brother. He had short straight brown hair and hazel brown eyes. Overall he was gorgeus and much hotter than I thought he would be.

"I'm sorry about my sister." He told me apologising on rebekah's behalf. I smiled. Handsome and a gentleman, he was perfect.

"It's alright. I'm used to it." I sighed. Being her best friend I knew her well enough to know that she was planning something or plotting up mischief as I liked to call it. What was Rebekah up to this time?

"I sister is trying to..." Elijah started, choosing his words carefully. It was then that I relised what my best friend was plotting. After all, the clues were all there. She didn't tell me that Elijah would be in the car, let alone that he was here. She left us alone with eachover by making an excuse to leave.

"She's trying to get us together isn't she?" I asked bluntly. He nodded.

"I believe so...I apologise, I never properly introduced myself. I'm Elijah Mikaelson, Rebekah's older brother." He told me. I nodded while grinning.

"It's an honor to meet such a gentleman as yourself Mr Mikaelson. I'm Hannah Salvatore, Rebekah's best friend." I told him putting my hand out. He took it, bringing it to his lips before placing a gentle kiss on it and letting it drop. I blushed as he did this.

"It's a pleasure to meet a woman as beautiful as yourself Miss Salvatore." He replied while giving me a handsome smile. By the end of the sentance I was blushing scarlett.

"Thank you Elijah." I told him softly as he began driving towards the Mikaelson Mansion. He nodded in reply, a small smile tugging at the corners of his perfect, sculpture like lips.


Finally after roughly about five minutes we arrived and Elijah parked the car however neither of us desided to get out.

We had spend the entire journey just talking. Talking about our similaries and our differences. Talking about what we each liked and what we disliked. About what we enjoyed and what we found difficult.

In the end I found out that we had a lot in common. We have both been stabbed in the back by siblings, friends or people we knew, more than once, both in the past and recently. However for him saying stabbed in the back, well that's much more accurate than what I've been through since being daggered basically is the same thing as being stabbed in the back.

We stared at eachover, not breaking eye contact once. There was a thick tension in the air.


3rd pov

"I bet Hannah and Elijah will kiss before tomorrow." Rebekah said to her brother who rolled his eyes.

"As if! Their both too secretive and quiet to realise they like eachover that early." Klaus told his younger sister who grinned.

"Alright, your on! $250 says they kiss by the end of the day." She said putting her hand out. He shook it and they smirked at eachover as their hands dropped.


Hannah's pov

We continued to stare at eachover and I don't know when it happened and I don't know when it happened by at some point we were leaning in...closer...closer...














*Thanks for reading and sorry I haven't updated in such a long time*

Hannah SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now