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"Carry On" - fun
Third person POV

Evara Asterin's heart raced as she sat at her desk, her quill poised over her parchment in the Great Hall turned examination room. The immense hall, usually bustling with the energy of hundreds of students, was now a sea of focused faces, all bent over their papers in varying degrees of concentration. The air was thick with tension, and Evara could practically feel the collective nerves of her fellow students.

Beside her, Harry Potter was hunched over his own exam, his brow furrowed in intense concentration. She stole a quick glance at him, her lips twitching into a reassuring smile that he didn't notice. They had been through so much together, and now they were facing another challenge side by side.

But just as Evara began to find her rhythm and ease into the exam, a sudden commotion erupted at the entrance. Her head snapped up, her heart dropping as she caught sight of Fred and George Weasley barging into the hall with their trademark mischievous grins. A chorus of gasps, stifled giggles, and surprised whispers rippled through the room like a wave.

Evara exchanged a wide-eyed glance with Harry, their unspoken thoughts mirroring each other. The twins' antics were impossible to ignore. They weaved through the rows of desks, teasing students with exaggerated expressions of shock and awe, and even shooting small fireworks that burst into the air, spelling out cheeky messages in glittering trails.

Despite her best efforts to ignore the twins and maintain her focus, Evara found her quill wavering as laughter erupted around her. Her frustration grew, battling with the lingering amusement at the twins' audacity. She shot another glance at Harry, whose gaze was torn between annoyance and a reluctant smile.

As the chaos continued, a small paper airplane suddenly sailed through the air and landed gracefully on her desk. Evara unfolded it, revealing a hastily scrawled note from Fred and George: "Good luck, Evara! Don't let the chaos get to you. Give 'em hell!" A genuine smile broke across her face, and she looked over at the twins, who were now engaged in a mock duel using Professor Flitwick's enchanted chalk.

With a determined exhale, Evara refocused her attention on her exam paper. She thought about the twins' irreverent encouragement, their fearless determination to infuse even the most serious moments with laughter. Drawing strength from their spirit, she allowed herself to embrace a touch of their audacity. Her quill flew across the parchment as she tackled each question, weaving her knowledge with the mischievous charm that had defined Fred and George during their time at Hogwarts.

As the exam continued and the twins' antics gradually subsided, Evara found her rhythm once more. She channeled the unexpected interruption into her answers, infusing her work with a touch of creativity that she might not have otherwise dared to display. And as she completed her final question, a sense of accomplishment swelled within her. The chaotic intrusion had left an indelible mark on her exam experience, a reminder that even in the midst of the most serious challenges, there was room for a bit of irreverence and unexpected inspiration.
The Great Hall buzzed with an air of anticipation as students hunched over their parchment, diligently working on their exams. The tension in the room was palpable, each student lost in their thoughts and scribbles, until suddenly, the doors burst open. Fred and George Weasley, identical grins stretching from ear to ear, sauntered in.

Evara Asterin's head shot up, and her eyes widened at the unexpected disruption. A ripple of startled laughter swept across the hall, briefly relieving the pressure that had been building. Even Harry Potter, who had been staring at his paper with furrowed brows, cracked a small smile. The twins paraded through the aisle, their exaggerated expressions mimicking the shock of students.

Just as Evara was about to turn her attention back to her exam, a piece of parchment fluttered onto her desk. Unfolding it, she read Fred and George's hasty note: "Sorry for the interruption! We just couldn't resist. Good luck, Evara! Show those exams who's boss!" Despite herself, she chuckled softly and shot the twins a grateful smile.

The exam continued, but Evara couldn't shake the twinkle of amusement in her eyes. And then, as the minutes passed, the atmosphere shifted once more. Harry's head turned towards her, his emerald eyes meeting hers with a mix of curiosity and understanding. Without a word, he nodded towards the parchment, his gaze urging her to pay attention.

Evara's heart skipped a beat as she followed Harry's line of sight. Thestrals. Dark, enigmatic creatures with wings spread wide, silently gliding above the enchanted ceiling. They were visible only to those who had witnessed death, a haunting reminder of the battles they had faced.

The realization hit her like a wave. They had all seen death, and it had left its mark on them.

As the exams concluded and the Great Hall emptied, the group huddled in a secluded corner, their voices low and determined. Harry's voice rang out above the rest, detailing a plan that sounded dangerous and daring. They believed Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, was in trouble and possibly held captive in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic.

Evara exchanged glances with her friends, reading the mixture of fear and resolve in their eyes. With a silent nod, they agreed to join Harry on this risky venture, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The echoes of Fred and George's interruption still lingered, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, a touch of mischief and unity could provide the strength they needed to confront the unknown.

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