be mine again

44 2 1

at the park

you crossed your arms over your cheest while waiting for him to proceed, he took a deep breath and looked into your eyes.

"be mine again."


"we don't have any reason to stop now Yn, we can be together again."

"y-yeah but-"

"I love you, you love me and that's the only thing I want."

"ye-yeah but I need time."

"fine take your time."

he boxy smiled at you and the suprising part was your heart really didn't fluttered at that the way it used to do.

you took a deep breath again looking at him, you nodded and walked away from there.

next day

you walked out of the car, in front of the college and that's when your eyes landed on something strange.

there was Jungkook talking with a girl, almost leaning on her, well that was pretty clear what their relationship was.

you signed rolling your eyes ignoring the sting in your heart, you were walking pass them when he saw you and held your wrist.

"hey yn, meet her she's my-"

"did I asked?"

you said looking at his hand around your wrist and then looked up at him with cold eyes not excatly looking at him but the girl behind her.

"hey unnie."

she said with a cute smile, well it will be a lie you said she looked ugly she was pretty and perfect for him and that's what bothered you the most.

he scoffed and felt your hand.

"what was tha-"

even before he could say something you glanced at him and walked away from there in the class.

you scoffed entering the class you went to the last seat and thuged your bag on the desh, you pulled your head in frustration.

that's when Taehyung entered the class and stood in front of the class.


he yelled gaining everyone's attention specially girls they started to yell after seeing him, he shhed them and started to talk.

"so our college is planning a trip in a week and I would like to see who many of you are joining, so that we can plan futher."

he smiled looking at everyone and most of the people raised there hands including Jimin, Park, Jungkook and his girlfriend.

they were even sitting beside each other.

"huh!! he changed the major for me and now sitting with someone else, fucking asshole."

you cursed under your breath when you eyes landed on Taehyung he was already looking at you but as soon as you looked at him he smiled, boxy smiled.

he always said his genuine smile was only for you and he never ever proved you wrong.

you took a deep breath and stood up from your seat, you fisted your hands looking at Jungkook and Ava(Jungkook's girlfriend).

and again looked at Taehyung he frowned at why you suddenly stood up.

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