fight me!

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author pov - next night

"Yn is missing."


Jungkook took his jacket off the chair with an extra jacket for you and dashed outside his apartment in order to find you.

while still on the call with Park

caller ID: park hyungie

me: when did she left??

park hyungie: she didn't returned from the college yet, she said she'll go to the part time and then come home but she haven't till now.

me: ok ok you check her part time store, and I'll check the college

park hyungie: ok.


he slide his phone in his pocket and straight away went to a place where he'll probably find you, he was sure you'll there.

and here he was, at the park where you and Taehyung break up, you don't know why you told him that, but you did and he remembered it.

and he's so glad to remember this when he saw you sitting on one of the benches, he took a deep breath to calm his breaths and again ran to you.

he threw the extra jacket on your bare lap.


he yelled making you to flinch and look up at him, you frowned and stood up.

"what are-"

"do you have a hobby to make me worried all the time you stupid head?"

"Jungkook cal-"

"you know what from now on I don't give a fuck about where you are, you don't even think about me before going missing that how much worrried I'll be."

"its already the third time you got lost, you're so fucking stupid-"

"will you shut up, why the hell do you even care if I live or die, I'm safe or in danger, who are you to care about me huh?"

you groaned making his eyes to turn teary all of sudden, he took a step backward looking to the side.


he mumbled and ran away from there, and that 'sorry' from him made you realise your mistake.


you tried to stop him but he was already out of your sight, you signed looking down.

"I'll say sorry tomorrow."

you took his jacket from the bench and hugging it you walked home while informing Park that you're safe.

3 days later - at college

you took a deep breath in hope while gripping on your bag straps while entering the college.

"I hope to see you today."

it's been a week since Jungkook isn't coming to college, you tried calling him but his phone was turned off.

and you blamed it all on yourself, you were in a huge amount of guilt for yelling at him for caring about you, you signed and walked inside the college.

when you felt a hand over your shoulder.


your eyes suddenly brighten and you turned around to see the person but your expression change in a blink when you saw Jimin instead.

"aishh, what was I even expecting?"

you mumbled signing and started to walk in while Jimin walked beside you.

"you know where Jungkook is?"


he cleared his throat and incresed his pace and got inside the college.

time skip - after college

you and Park entered your apartment, while you started to travel upstairs when Park called you, you looked at him over your shoulder.


"won't you have dinner you dumbo?"

he laughed, and sat on the couch taking out his phone to order something for you both, you signed and shook your head in denial, and went upstairs.

it was already been three days since you're not having your meals properly and Park didn't showed but he was getting worried for you.

"I need to find the reason."

he signed and dialed a number in his phone.

4 days later

a sign escaped your lips when you enter your room and tossed your body on the bed, you just wanted to escaped the reality which didn't includes him.

you slowly closed your eyes, you were tired but you weren't able to sleep, so you changed your position you faced to the left.

and the next thing you saw was something you wanted to see from the past week, it was HIM, he was sleeping right next you, facing you.

he showed you his brightest bunny smile, making your eyes to suddenly turn teary, a smile came up to your face.

"missed me?"

he mumbled while the smile didn't left both of your faces.

this part was a little short - -

but I promise to serve you right in the next chapter

your highness!!

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