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Next day came (basically the day when we start practising). At this point,I'm done thinking about all the possible outcomes and everything. I got out of bed shortly after opening my eyes. I entered our shared bathroom to be met with Han who was brushing his teeth.

He (tried to) give me a smile and I simply returned the gesture chuckling a 'Good morning'. He soon finished with his brushing and got out of the bathroom only after he was done greeting me a good morning and splashing some water on my face. This boy surely got the guts. But he knows, I won't say anything as he is the closest to me.

I started my morning routine and took a shower. I came out with a towel around my waist (since I had already asked Felix to wait outside). I entered my room and closed the door behind me. However, I got startled when I was welcomed by an unexpexted person's raspy morning voice (OH THAT VOICE). "Oh! What a morning! I'm definitely liking what is being displayed right now." I almost got a heart attack, ALMOST!!

I calmed myself down and looked at Hyunjin who was lying on my bed as if it was his own. A habit that Hyunjin possess is cuddling with me, right after he gets up or wakes up. This is so rare but cute as well. I feel that during times like these, he turns really soft and I love it. But, today I see he's teasing. Ahh!! I hate being teased by him. It makes me all flustered and I turn into a tomato. Just like right now.

I turned to face with with a hand on my towel holding it in place, with eyes wide as saucers and red ears (a sign that I'm either embarrassed or my heart skipped a beat or that I have had something spicy). He chuckled at my reaction (But seriously man I would be flustered and surprised too. Like what the actual fuck).

I don't get what's so funny about literally scaring ths shit out of someone but I can't help but smile at him cause I love seeing him laugh. His giggles. His disappearing eyes. They're all so cute. His existence itself is a bundle of cuteness. I was brought back to reality when the laughing faded out and I heard my name being called out.

"Minho-hyung?" My head snapped back on my bed where Hyunjin was, initially laying, now sitting upright looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"You okay?", he asked. Sounding a bit concerned, hesitating a bit.

"Yeah. I'm good. It's just that I didn't expect you to be here at this moment. Infact I had informed Yongbok that I was gonna get here to take my clothes since I forgot to take them when I-", my silly rant was cut off by another set of giggles and seeing Hyunjin chuckle at me like that I realised that I was ranting (practically rapping) to kinda explain what I was feeling.

"You're cute", He said.
OH. OH. OH. Did he just- Tell me I'm dreaming. My ears turned red just as fast as my beating heart.

"Haha", is just what came out of my mouth at that particular moment.

"Now get out and let me change real quick", I continued.

"But my cuddles-?", He pouted. This boy better plan a good funeral for me cause I will die on how cute he looks right now!!

"Are you really being serious right now? Hwang Hyunjin-ssi?", I asked with a straight face (It was such a challenge, believe me).

"Fine, fine, change quickly and then give me my precious cuddles", he grinned like a kid. This man I tell you-

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Now just go!", I tried playing it off cause I didn't want him to see what effect he had on me. It resulted in him leave my room, giggling like a kid.

I closed the door and placed my back on the door, setting free the squeal of happiness that was making me redder due to keeping it in for too long. I'm definitely going to enjoy the cuddles more.

Hello there!!
This will go slow but I hope you guys don't mind.
Anyways people I'm really enjoying writing this.
And the chapters just keep getting longer haha.
Hope you have a great day!!
Thank you for reading this!!
Stay Safe everyone!!
Love you guys!!

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