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The D-Day was finally here. Today was the fan-meeting. Nervousness is obviously overpowering the confidence in me. I'm trying to calm myself down as we start our journey towards the venue. The nervousness and the excitement level keeps on rising with each metre that we pass. I look around myself to see all the other members in comfy clothes just like my own. Good that we are supposed to change when we get there. Cause boy, are we clumsy *chuckles*


We finally arrived at the venue and got down. We were ready to practice and walked towards the venue. We reached close to the stairs as I felt a slap on my butt. How dare this person hunt a butt hunter's butt?! I turned around, furious and ready to yell at whoever did it, but as I turn around. I was met with Chan(?).

"Hyung~~~", I whine as I turn around to see everyone giggling. He just gave a sly smirk as he walked forward while putting me in a cholehold between his muscular arms.

"What is with you today I swear to God you're acting weird-", I side-eye him as I ask him.

"Haha nothing", He says tensing up a bit and eyeing a very flustered looking..... Jeongin?

Oh. OH. oH. oh. I get it now. This guy had told me some time ago about his liking towards the younger. Well, some progress must've took place. Why would Jeongin get all flustered if it wouldn't have been the case. I'm happy for him anyways. Cute.

"Ahem-", I clear my throat to gain Chan's attention.

"Let's just leave,yeah?", I suggest as we walk towards the green room once again. Chan nodded as we go ahead towards the green room.

After keeping our stuff in the green room we make our way towards the stage as faint mysic can be heard in the background. Once the music level was all done testing we all came for the mic testing.

We sang some songs to keep the mic volume and our vocal levels in check and again went towards the green room for changing our clothes. The occasional playful glances, smirks, etc that I noticed when I make eye contact with Hyunjin doesn't go unnoticed by me. This boy is going to be the death of me.

Time skip(Start of the Fan meeting):

The cheers got louder and louder as each of us appeared on the stage. We all had big smiles plastered on our faces, happy to finally meet STAY. Events like these make idols the happiest. Afterall, fans are the reasons for an idol's hardwork. The reason of an idol being an idol. I can talk about STAYs all day long. #LoveSTAY

One after the other the performances started takimg place. I took a constant note of the reactions that STAY gave to each unit performance that took place. It was a blast when Changbin and Chan performed to Queencard. STAYs went WILD. And when I say WILD, I mean WILD. I noticed so many of them doing the dance woth those two.

A perfect balance of cute and hot is obviously necessary, right? Wrll,that necessity was fulfilled when Hyunjin and Felix performed their unit performance. They did a great job at making the crowd to feral. Well, the eve is a song that um makes you go wild yeah? And it's Hyunjin and Felix we're talking about so obviously!

Hyunjin looked so, so, so hot. I almost fainted. Even though the thought of having my boyfriend dancing on this really sexy song with my other member, with whom he is most shipped with, it feels weird. Am I jealous? Obviously. But since I don't want to hold a grudge against my member, I brush it off. Knowing that he had confessed to Hyunjin back in the trainee days, it makes me feel weird but I know there's nothi g anymore. So I feel relieved.

The unit performances kept going on and soon it was time for our (mine and hyunjin's unit performance. The Troublemaker. It's timewhen the world we see the real trouble. Us. I'm excited, nervous and praying that this ferret doesn't act sly when performing. Being with Jeongin has really affected this man 😔 Loud cheers were heard as we got on the stage together. The music started but I avoided his gaze. I hope this ends soon.

Yes, I'm alive.
I'm sick but alive.
Lol, I did tell y'all that I'll post after 29th October but lost motivation+got sick after that.
Also I'm not at all happy with this chapter but anywayss....
It's okay if y'all don't like this chapter, it was rushed haha.
Thanks for reading!
Stay safe!
Love you all!!<33

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