<[Chapter 1]>

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The cover of the book is a kindof look of what it's going to be set in but just with alot more forest and trees.(The image I found on Google too so it's not mine)


R.E's pov:

All I remember  was running.Running through the forest I was going through to get to the avians.A horrible mistake.I was in my human form to not cause suspicions as I was going to have a negotiation about all that's happened with a few humans as my soldiers.I jumped over a few roots and doged trees as I ran hearing the snow crunching underneath my feet with every step.

I felt so weak.I felt like a coward right now.I have my sword so why did I run?They just came out of nowhere as if they came from the trees.They're feathers going everywhere.The feathers made me sick.No matter what colour they are,white,grey,brown,black heck mabie even multicoloured for all of them aviancountries for all I care!

I still ran,no matter how much my legs hurt.I just wanted to get back home.I didn't want to be out here anymore I just wanted to get back to the safety of my Palace and to be able to see my son.Even if I know he hates me.I felt like someone was watching me,following me in the shadows.I looked around for a second before I almost tripped over an exposed tree-root but I picked myself up quickly.

I hid behind a tree putting my hand over my mouth taking heavy and needed gasps as quietly as I could.I felt my legs give up on me as I felt myself slide down the side of the tree before I was sat up against it.I looked back if anyone was there.

No one was in sight,only my footprints and trees.

I also heard nothing except the wind and faint birds in the distance.I took a sight out of relief before I looked back and spotted something in the snow.I picked it up seeing as it wasn't that far away from me.

I twirled it around in my glove-covered fingers now seeing it was a tri-coloured feather of blue with white and red swirls towards the tip.Almost as soon as I realised that if there was a feather there were avians I tried to get up and run but I was stuck in the position I was in.

I soon started seeing blue from the corner of my vision before I started to lose consciousness,I tried to fight it but to no use.

I had no idea what was going on but little did I know I was followed,I never lost the avians because he was on my trail as soon as I started running.

Even as I felt my head fall on my knees I heard flaps of wings then the crunch of snow as they landed.

They were talking about something but I couldn't make much out until I heard,

"What are we going to do with him your majesty?"I felt my heart sink as I heard what they said even in my unconscious state before he started speaking.

"We'll use him as a ransom for the humans seeing as he's they're king,as a way to sue for peace to make sure they never attack us again."I knew exactly who he was as soon as I saw the feather,I would have never guessed they were ready to ambush us.Nevermind with,..



They're king,British empire.

A New Feather UnturnedWhere stories live. Discover now