<[Chapter 5]>

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Still B.E's pov:

"He's what."I say feeling my tail flick as I noticed the guard fold his wings more at my reaction.

"I-indeed your majesty he said in a letter we had only recently received saying he was already on his way here.."Are you kidding me.Why does he want to come back out of all people?

"What does that old twat want now?"I say under my breath,pinching the bridge of my nose noticing the guard look very anxious.

"How long until he arrives?"I ask the guard attempting to hide my anger yet I still felt my tail flick.

"In a few h-hours your majesty."

"Great,notify the other guards so they can get into position for his arrival.As much as I hate him,"I say to the guard,mumbling the last part.I glance back to the guard to see them slightly bow before leaving.

I cross my arms glancing outside for a few seconds before sighing.'well,time to deal with the old frog again I guess.'I think while going out of my room with two guards accompanying me after a few seconds.

I go to the main room where me and R.E supposedly 'met' before sitting on my chair at the end of the room.

[A few hours later]

Before I knew it the large doors opened to reveal F.E with two of my guards.He had his white wings with blue on his left wing and red on his right wing.He also had a tail similar to mine but smaller,like alot smaller.

I felt my fists slightly clench at seeing him,especially since he decided to walk in with a smug face.He won't once I punch him in his face-i wish atleast.

"Bien,bien,bien(Well,well,well),if it isn't the British empire himself.Its such a pleasure isn't it?"I felt my tail flick as I glared at him,he really has some nerve doesn't he.

"Get to the point you frog why are you here."I saw his smug expression change to a relatively pissed expression as he then had a frown.

"Your not in a good mood today."

"Because your hear that's why."I'm starting to get pretty pissed at this point as i'm very close to losing my temper with him,and that I'm about to get up and go infront of him,and almost every one of my guards know that that's bad.

"Psh,whatever,I only came here because of something I heard from one of my undercover guards anyway."I felt my tail flick at this,I should've known he'd do that.

"And what is that F.E.Your already getting on my nerves just say it."He then crossed his arms also seeming to grow pissed.

"Fine!Your so impatient these days,"At this point I got up feeling my tail still flicking back and forth.He noticed I got up and got a slightly worried face on,shifting his wings before continuing."o-ok there's no need for that but I heard that you kidnapped the king of the country right next to your Kingdom."

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