13. Mehndi ki rasam

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You can happily skip my rants and go straight to the chapter.🥲

Note : - English is not my first language and I'm not too good in english. So this update has a lot of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. So please avoid the grammatical mistakes.🥲

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Hello! Hello! Hello Lovelies!❤️ Hope you all are okay and doing well. Sorry sorry sorry. Really sorry for not updating for so long. As you know, I am not feeling well these days. Still, today I decided that today I'll have to give you an update for sure. So here I'm with a new chapter of Fragrance Book series.

Okay, Let's start the chapter. So here I'm updating you guys by the Chapter no. 13 of Fragrance book. I hope you'll give it a lots of love like previous chapters.

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As soon as Ikshit entered Chirag's cabin, he said, "You consider me your friend, don't you? Tell me today."

Chirag said in a chill mood, "What happened? Why are you so angry?"

Ikshit, "Abe Saale! I'm coming after seeing the invitation card of your wedding."

Chirag, "The cards were also printed so soon? Wow?"

Ikshit said irritatingly, "Have you gone mad? Why are you getting married all of a sudden? And to whom? What about the girl you've been chasing for the last three years? To find whom, you've searched from heaven to earth?"

Chirag said with a devilish smile on his lips, "I already have found that girl, Buddy!"

Hearing Chirag's words, Ikshit said in surprise, "What? Where? When? Who is she?"

Chirag said, "Sit down first. Then I'll tell you."

Without wasting time, Ikshit sat on the chair lying in front of Chirag. He said, "Now tell me."

Chirag took a deep breath and began to speak, "The girl I am going to marry is the same girl I met three years back in the US."

Ikshit was in shock. Because on Chirag's orders, he was frantically searching for that girl for the last three years. But till today he did not know anything. All that came out of his mouth was, "What are you talking about? How did you get her? And why didn't you tell me?"

Chirag explained the reason, "All this happened within the last three to four days. I didn't even get a chance."

Chirag then told Ikshit all the things that had happened in the past. Ikshit was shocked. After listening to everything, he said, "Chirag! What do you want? Anahita will hate you like this, Buddy! Is this what you want?"

Chirag took a deep breath and said, "She'll not hate me, she has already hated me. And this hatred is not of two to four days, it is of last three years. And while she has been hating me for the last three years Then I don't think I need to give her any explanation. She won't believe anything I say."

Ikshit said with a worried expression on his face, "But at least try and see, Buddy! If you tell her the whole thing, then she'll understand. She has misunderstood the whole situation with such half-baked words."

Chirag, "It's not that I didn't try, Ikshit! But she doesn't want to hear anything about it. She thinks it's all my fault."

Ikshit, "In this way she is not going near you, but going away from you."

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