Chapter 1

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A harsh gust of wind whistled in my ears, I cracked my eyes open to be greeted by a dark room and the sound of people shuffling outside my room. I softly but swiftly got up, I looked at the floor and specifically stepped on the floor boards that I knew didn't creak. I reached for my door knob and turned a small spin switch that locked the door. I exhaled deeply, I looked around my room..
"So quiet..and lonely.."
A wrecking ball of depression hit me as my senses woke up, my body ached and stung all around. I examined my bruised and cut body in the mirror.
"No wonder I'm not loveable.."
I drooped my head low and my eyes stung as I wanted to cry.

My head started to pound and throb, a quiet background static like noise filled my ears then softened into the back of my head. I looked out my window and seen the man in the woods.
He called himself slenderman, he was a tall humanoid man with skin as white as paper, he was around 8ft , taller possibly. He wore a black suit blazer and trousers, paired with a blood red tie, he didn't have a face unless he wanted to. He showed me once, where his eyes are meant to be he can sink them into his skull to form a dip into where his 'eyes' are and they can be shaped to seem sad, angry ect, same can happen for his mouth but he also showed me he can form his flesh into lips and reveal his sharp teeth and long black tongue that usually licks his lips or any blood off his 'face'.

His hands are large and skinny, fingers long and boney, his hands are strange..
His fingertips are black but as it makes its way to his palm the black fades into his normal skin, other parts of his body do this too.
He also showed me (well he's always has them out) his tentacles, they're long and black, he can have as many as he wants and they can be as long and as thick as he wants.

I tiptoed to my window and opened it slowly, I pulled my chair over and I sat facing him. His long slender body tilted as his head did slightly, I giggled.
"Hello..!" I whispered, he was a bit far away but I'm assuming he heard as he waved.
He disappeared from the shade of the trees and reappeared in the corner of my room where the door was.
I jumped a little and the static noise grew as he entered my sight. I spun around on the spinning chair quickly and looked at him.
"Hello y/n.." his voice deep and raspy, he spoke as if he was groaning.
"Hiyaaa- be quiet parents home.."
He nodded and straightened his body well as best as he could, he was a lot taller than my roof, his back pressing against the ceiling but that doesn't stop him from entering.

I smiled and offered him to sit down, he sat on the corner of my bed. His legs spread open and his arms leant on his thighs.
"So, want to come with me?"
I shook my head,
"Not yet but I promise I will!" He placed a finger over where his mouth would be as in to be quieter.
"Sorry.." I pouted, no matter how fun he can be.. he is still scary, he isn't human..
We sat there in silence just looking around the room, listening to my parents argue.
Slender seemed..twitchy like he couldn't sit still, I looked at him. He was picking at his fingers with his long sharp nails and his neck would jerk a little.
"What's the matter..?" I whispered, he turn his emotionless head to me, my heart dropped a bit but his voice soon soothed me.
"Just hungry.. don't worry..!" He sunk his eyes to form a happy look, like when a human closes their eyes and makes that upside down smile thing.

"What do you eat..?" I ask curiously gazing at him.
His head jerked then he straightened up,
"Mmm.. a lot-" I giggled at his answer,
"Like Whaaat..?"
"People, like you.. or younger or older, could eat your parents-" his voice was cold, he was obviously hiding his hunger , I felt like being sick.. no matter how much I loved him.. he is horrifying, but somewhat charming..
"Oh-.. t-that's..nice." I forced a smile. He stared at me.
"Mmmph.." he stood up but slouched a lot, he walked to my door and unlocked it.
"W-what are you doing..!?" I stood up and quickly held his blazer sleeve, many floor boards creaked.

He slowly opened the door, I pulled him back the best I could.
"S-slender...!" He dragged me along due to me not letting go, "please stop!!" I whispered loudly.
The black fade on his fingers spread onto his hand, his nails seemed to of gotten sharper and longer.
What is he doing?!
He walked the halls, his leather shoes clonking on the polished stone floor. My house wasn't..normal to say the least, untidy and miss-matched. Rooms had wooden planks, halls had stone and the attic and basement was concrete.
My parents voices louder as we got closer, they were in the kitchen.
What was he going to do?!
All of a sudden he stopped right before we would turn a corner, around the corner were my parents in the kitchen. We stood their quietly.
"I guess it was nothing.." my mom slurred her words,
"It was probably our stupid daughter" my dad growled, "I'll go check on her" he turned the corner and walked right past us.

He can't..see us?
I looked at slender, his jawline shined under the dim yellow tinted lights. My dad kicked my door open, he saw the open window,the chair,the messy bed.
"She.. she's ran off!" He punch my door making a hole in it, "you best find her woman!!" He stormed back past us into the kitchen, he grabbed my mother and smacked her before leaving.
"This is your fault!" He yelled and dragged her out the house. He slammed the door shut and I heard him get in the car with my mom then drive off.

His mouth sunk into a grin, his eyes sunk in to look slightly angry.
"W-what happened..why couldn't he see us..what's wrong" i spoke fast and rushed.
The background static grew and almost burst my ear drums, i cupped my ears.
"Ahh!! That -that hurts!!" He spun around as I fell to the floor his facial expression returned to a blank canvas.
" apologies..!" He knelt down to me,
"I-it's fine.." I couldn't think straight and my vision was blurry. I put my hands on his shoulders and he lifted me up, he held my waist to steady me.

"I can't stay.. the static will get worse" he was calm, he kept his large hands on my waist.
"Why're you so persistent.." I probably seemed annoyed, he was a demonic creature why would he care..
He went quiet then disappeared into thin air, I almost fell again but caught the wall.
"I-..where is he.." I looked around and couldn't find him however the static was gone. My head didn't hurt,
why..? Why did it just stop.. will it go if I follow him? Why..what'll happen if I do, I won't be here, will I be safe?

To many questions left unanswered, I couldn't fathom it. I stumbled into my room and locked the door behind me, although it wouldn't of done much anyway considering there was a hole in it.  I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep almost immediately..
School tomorrow.. great, I have to deal with that all.. life isn't going to get better is it..?

A masters cat (female y/n  x slenderman)Where stories live. Discover now