Chapter 2

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Like a snake it slithered to my door lock through the hole (that was made by my dad), it turned it anti-clockwise.
I snored softly as this thing creaked open my door, the wind whistled through my cracked window. Like a hummingbird being choked.
The wind was screaming at me to wake up, the floor boards creaked under the weight of this being.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, my heart pumping faster and faster. It's hand creeping closer to me, everything stopped.
It was right behind me..breathing on my neck. My heart thumped in my ears. It couldn't be him..

Theirs no static, no background noise..nothing. Just my heart and it's breathing. My eyes shot open, I swung my hand back and smacked it square in its jaw. It wailed and took a few steps back, it started to laugh.
"Man! The hell!" The voice, it's a girl. It's..familiar, high but soft with a small hint of tiredness. It was my friend, I turned and my eyes adjusted to the dark. I could make out my other friend in the hallway.
"W-.. The hell are you doing here?!" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"Ugh we're here to get you out of this hell hole- what else?!" My other friend placed a suitcase on my bed.
"Should fit everything.." his voice was deep but energetic with a hint of sarcasm.

I smiled and without a second thought, I packed everything I could. I glanced at the time, my parents left to look for me at 2:37 AM, it's now 4:10AM.. they probably forgot.
I packed heaps of clothes and my phone, phone charger, money. Anything I could. The suitcase was full and my male friend wheeled it out to the car they parked out the front.
I whipped my head around,
"Who said that.."
"Huh?" My girl friend looked at me worriedly, promised.
Slender.. you're watching?
A small static noise came to mind, I looked out my window and in the distance. I saw him, he was leant against a tree, his arms crossed. The moon was right behind him making it hard to notice him.
I smiled.
I'll remember..
He remained their and watched me.
I felt safe, my friends were here and he was near by.

I left my home without leaving a note or text to my parents and got into my friends all black sports car, I sat in the left back seat and as we were driving off I heard slender's voice again. I looked out the car window and watched him.
I'll watch you..
Bet.. see you soon.
He raised a hand,
"What is that.." my boy friend point at my girl friends door window, my heart sank,
can they see you?!
My girl friend looked horrified,
"is that a spider!?" I sighed deeply and my body shivered.
Not unless I want them to. why do you want me to see you?
When I get a target I don't lose it..
Stalker much-
I heard him chuckle. As we drove off the static faded away and so did his adorable low laugh.

"Soooo, where ya parents at?"
"Lily! C'mon- could ask that later?"
"It's okay zane, don't worry, and they went to look for me but obviously forgot and probably went out to drink"
She took her seat belt off and jumped into the back of the car with me,
"Lily! I swear we will have issues..!" Zane chuckled and clicked the red button on the seat belt plug to stop the car beeping.
She pulled me into a hug,
"daymmm, you got titties gurl-" she cackled and zane huffed. I hugged her back,
"And you got some ass lil's"
"I'll drive us into a ditch-" we went quite, Zane is a very 'I will do it' person so we don't tend to push him.

We were silent for the rest of the way there, we pulled up to a clean but old rustic looking house. Lily and Zane lived together due to their parents usually being very close they got to know one another very well. However their parents fell out and ordered that the two couldn't talk to one another, so they ran away two years ago. They've had a good stable life, both have jobs and we all go to the same school and all in our last year.
Zane parked the car into the garage. I looked around and noticed this estate was surrounded by forest, there's one road that leaves this place but it's known to be a killer hot spot.
I believe that though..I went there to jump off the bridge that the road was built on but
I seen somebody dragging a bloody body into the woods, he was white..similar to slenderman, his eyes wide like his smile, in fact I don't think he had eyelids and I was 100% sure that smile wasn't his own. He was covered in blood and it stained his all white hoodie, he wore black jeans and dirty trainers. His hood was up but his jet black hair was long a unwashed, a few strands stuck to his skin by dried blood and sweat, it was probably matted.

A masters cat (female y/n  x slenderman)Where stories live. Discover now