Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly cracked open as the sun lit my room but was obstructed by something. My eyes opened and I seen slenderman in my chair in front of my window. His left foot was on top of his right thigh since he crossed his legs. His arms crossed and his head was down like he was asleep. I slowly sat up and placed my teddy I was cuddling behind me, I slowly stumbled to him, I was stood in front of him, I looked at every part of him. His..bulge visible through his black suit trousers, his large chest clear.

"S-slender..?" My voice cracked, I knelt down. I could see EVERYTHING better now, I shook my head. I shook his leg,
"Slender?" His hand twitched but he didn't wake up, but I could hear his static, it was low and quiet but did that mean he was awake?
I gently squeezed his thigh,
"Slender..!" I said in a slightly louder voice,
Nothing happened this time, I was 99% sure he was awake just being annoying.
"Mmph.." my hands developed a mind of their own, they started to drift to his bulge. His inner thigh. My hands glided softly to it. Just before I got there his hands suddenly clasped around my wrists.

His voice low, demonic and growling.
"Watch it.." his face sunk in and he looked very unhappy, I felt guilty afterwards. A lump formed in my throat.
"S-..m..I- s-s.." I couldn't talk to save my life, he raised his hands to his shoulders making me stand with a very slumped posture. He stood up and I straightened, my eyes looking directly where his would've been. He opened his hands and my arms dropped to my sides, they didn't plan on moving.
"I-I'm..s....- I- .." he looked over me, I felt terrified any comfort I had was hidden behind my fear. His sunken face lifted a bit, he looked less angry with me.
"Hmph.." he growled under his breath, he stepped towards me, I stepped back. He stepped forward, I stepped back. Forwards,back. Again.
I stepped back again and fell back on my bed, my arms holding my body for some sort of protection, his sunken expression gone back to plain.

He knelt on the side of my bed and leant over me, his hands either side of me.
"Careful.. I don't enjoy being teased. Neither do they." The last part struck true horror to my soul,
"Who's they..?" I trembled,
"You'd know if you come with me." His voice still low and demonic,
"Y/n.. can I ask why you tried that?" His eyes sunk in to look confused,
"I don't know..I-I'm s-s-..sorry." I felt like crying.
"What was you trying to do.?" He tilted his head,
"...seeing I-if you was a-awake." He lowered him self closer to me.
Saying I got turned on was an understatement.
His mouth slit open, he leant close to me and whispered,
"I'm starting to enjoy you..~" his voice sounded like a growl, did he mean as in prey or.. something else..? His thumb glided over the plaster I had placed over the previous bite, slowly he peeled it off. The skin around it was bruised but the bite was already scarred over.

I whimpered in confusion, my arms gave out while shaking and I dropped onto my bed.
I felt a cold and wet sensation on my neck that made my eyes roll back slightly.
"May I..?" I looked at slender from the corners of my eyes and I saw his teeth ready to feed.
"Yes.. you may but I do need to go soon.."
He grunted in reply? slowly and as softly as he could he sunk his shark like teeth into my neck. He placed his knee on the bed forcing my legs to wrap around his waist, His bulge practically grinding against the back of my thighs with how close he was.
My arms slid under his and hugged him bringing him closer, with one arm he rested on his arm and held my waist with the other.
His huge cold hand making my warm body shiver.

A Knock was at my door,
"Yooo! You up?" It was zane,
"Y-yeah, don't come in I'm naked!" Slender quietly grunted and softly squeezed my waist.
"Aigh well it's bank holiday so no school. Get some sleep we was all up late." I heard Lily run to the door and bang her head from being stopped by Zane. The door came on the latch but didn't fully open, my heart dropped however slender was calm. His thumb went in a circular motion on my waist.
"The hell dude?!" I could hear clothes shuffle as Lily rubbed her head,
"She's naked"
Lily huffed and knocked as she left. The door creaked a little.
"We are ALL going out today so be ready foooor... 1:30PM" he knocked as he left.
Slender shifted up a bit and jolted forward due to my hand brushing past a tentacle, his bulge pressed against my privates.
"Mmph!!~" I bit my inner cheek to shut up. Two of his long fingers shuffled under my shirt, the cold feeling made me shiver.

A masters cat (female y/n  x slenderman)Where stories live. Discover now