Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Two months have passed since the first day of school/training. Both Lightning and Phoenix have become much stronger. Lightning could send images and use telekinesis, and Phoenix could fly.

~Hey, Lightning~ Phoenix thought, ~After school I want to show you something new I learned.~

~OK. I learned something new too. I also have a surprise to show you.~


Lightning led Phoenix into the forest behind her yard.

~I thought we should have some privacy when we train, so last night I made a clearing in the woods and modified it so we could train.~

When they arrived Phoenix was in awe. Lightning had put up large stone walls around an area. Inside, their were a variety of things they could train with. Above it was a sign that said: Camp PsyPire.

"Camp PsyPire," Phoenix said,"I like it."

"So, what did you want to show me?"

"I learned how to become invisible and intangible."

"Awesome! I learned how to walk on walls and the ceiling like Spider-Man."

"Cool! Could you show me?"

"Yeah," Lightning said, "First you fly up to a wall. Next, you put your hands and feet on the wall. If you move them like your crawling you can walk up the walls and eventually the ceiling."

Lightning demonstrated. Phoenix tried to do it, but when he got half way up the wall he accidentally became intangible and fell through the wall.

"Woa. Can you teach me how to do that?" Lightning asked.

"Yeah! If you see something you want to go through you concentrate on getting through it. Then your intangible. For invisibility just concentrate really hard on becoming invisible. It's kind of like flying. See?"

He turned invisible.

"No, I don't see." Lightning said,"I have no clue where you are."


Draco thought he heard voices in the woods. ~Those voices sound familiar.~ He went toward the sound of the voices and after awhile came up to Camp PsyPire. ~What's a PsyPire?~ he wondered. He peered in the door way. ~No way! It's Lightning and Phoenix! And... They were floating!~ He quickly pulled out his phone and started video taping...

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