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It happened three times before Kite snapped.

Three times he had messed up.

Three times he was gifted forgiveness when it wasn't deserved.


The first time is when Kite was training at a nearby lake, he had finally gotten the hang of his old nen ability 'Crazy Slots' he wanted to try a new one, he was still classified as a conjurer. After a while he couldn't create a new ability. So, in a desperate attempt he summoned Crazy Slots

"Why can't I do a new nen ability?" Kite asked, well, more of a demand

"You already have me, idiot!" Crazy slots laughed, "Supposedly you could but I'm much better!"

Kite frowned, he was no help at all. He sighed, "Roll," Crazy slots began his rant before Kite quickly shut him up. "Fine!" It landed on a 3, a mace.

"Bad roll." Kite clenched his fist in anger, he didn't register the footsteps behind him.

"Hey Kite I'm going to look for some berr-'' Kite jumped in surprise and quickly turned around, his instincts took over and threw the mace at the unidentified person. It took less than a second for Kite to hear a quiet 'thump'. He internally congratulated himself, but his celebration quickly turned to pure guilt and dismain seeing who he hit.


Colt had used his wing to block the main impact but his wing had still sustained damage, his white feathers were now a bloody red, dripping slowly onto the ground. As he moved his wing out of the way he saw Kite shaking as he stared at Colt. Colt panicked and ran toward Kite, ignoring his injured wing. "Are you ok?!" Colt panicked. Kite looked up at him in pure confusion and horror.

Kite was confused, why was he asking if he was ok? He was acting as if a mace didn't just pierce his wing. "Y-your wing" Colt shook his head, "I'm ok, it'll heal. You're shaking though, come on we should head back. That's enough training for today."


Colt was working on a 3,000 piece puzzle, it wasn't often he got to play with such luxuries. But Morel had dropped it off during his and Kite's quarantine. But he was too busy watching the then child-like Kite to put the pieces together. He had almost finished the puzzle when he heard laughing from three children and a soft chuckle from a fourth. Gon, Killua, and Alluka were the ones laughing. And his beloved son Kite was the fourth child.

He smiled and continued his puzzle, listening as the laughter got closer. "Killuaaa! Get back here!" He heard a lighter voice, which he assumed was Gon. "Nah, try and keep up!" Killua laughed. Colt smiled and looked away, back to his puzzle. After a while the laughter got closer and closer until he heard them running around the table he was sitting at.

The group started bumping into one another, as well as Colt himself. Soon he felt a harder brush before he witnessed Kite trip onto the table and pushed the puzzle off the table.

Colt immediately ran to his son's side as the group stopped their playing. "Are you ok?" Colt asked, Kite looked up to his dad and frowned, turned back to the puzzle. "I'm fine, but I ruined your puzzle.." Colt shook his head, "I can remake the puzzle, why don't you guys go play outside"


Colt was tired, he was remembering his time as a squadron leader. The people he had killed in order for the queen to birth that monster of a king. That monster is technically the twin brother of Kite. He shook his thoughts away, after hearing a small voice and a hand shaking him awake. "Dad"

Colt looked to his right to see a concerned Kite by his side. "Were you thinking about the past again?" He nodded, "You're better than them, they don't matter"

Colt felt a bit hurt by that, "I'm not though, I killed just like them. And they matter to me, they were my friends." Kite looked down, he didn't mean for it to sound like that. "Sorry dad.."

"It's ok"


Kite had once again messed up, he was in his dad's room when he heard a noise and jumped, he crashed into a dresser and heard something fall. He turned to look at what had fallen and saw it was a photograph of all the squadron leaders. Shit. Kite heard footsteps coming upstairs and tried to hide the mess, in a panic he cut his fingers in the process.

"Kite? Are you ok?" Colt ran inside his room to see Kite's hands bloodied, "are you ok?!"

Kite stood up and hugged Colt, "I'm sorry, I keep messing up. I broke the frame." Colt sighed and patted his head, "It's ok"

Kite pulled back, tears forming in his eyes, "No it's not! I keep messing up! You just keep forgiving me!"

Colt walked over to Kite, "I forgive you because you are my son, I care for you more than myself, and definitely more than material objects. Everyone makes mistakes." He kneeled down and hugged Kite gently, "I love you Kite"

Kite was crying now, he clenched onto Colt, the latter not caring for the blood on him. "I love you too, dad"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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