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"That is the saddest ending I've ever seen. " Santana said sitting with his wife Amora.

"I know right, do you think the publishers liked it?" She looked up at him in hopeful eyes.

"They better." He peppered kisses all over her face as a little knock came onto their front door.

"Come in!"

5 year old Sincere Amor Blue came walking in with his great grandfather, Frankie.

"Hey baba, hey Sinny." Amora exclaimed hugging her son and grandfather as Frankie made a face.

"Guh get off me. Gon Wrinkle my shirt." Frankie said playfully pushing her off of him.

"Hello family!' Kiko, Amoras mother and Keith, her father walked in followed by Hakeem, Ms Blue, and Steph.

"Hey everybody" Amora and Santana greeted them as they walked into their house.

Santana walked into the back and returned with a letter.

Amora rose a brow as everyone had a smile on their face.

When Santana handed it over, amora suspiciously took it.

Ripping the fold open she pulled the letter out.

"Dear Mr and Mrs Blue.. It is with great pleasure that Rivera Studios is interested.." She gasped feeling her tears break surface.

"In turning Letters to Amari into a movie." She laughed jumping into santanas arms who caught her and the whole family celebrated as Frankie wheeled a big cake inside and amoras eyes widened.

"Ta-da! Congratulations bitch." PJ popped out the confetti cake holding a medium cake and his army uniform on.

"PJ BITCH IS THAT YOU." Amora ran up to him hugging him as they hugged and invited Steph to their group hug as the 3 enjoyed being in each other presence.

Hours later while everyone was asleep Amora sat outside on her porch steps as she smiled to herself.

"I finally got my happy ending."


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