Enot the American

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Prompt by:

Enot walks around the white, blank, room. He's had enough of this "mate" thing and he really doesn't want to meet another slugcat anymore. He remembers something his mother said once,

"You must always find a mate, it's how to live on forever even after ascension."

Well he's tried ascension, but the world seems to want him to find a mate. He reminiscences about his potential mates. The ones he favors the most are Rivulet and Artificer. Artificer was quite aggressive but she was a fine candidate. All she wanted was her pups back, and he could make her new ones. And Rivulet was cheerful, the best pic. However, she's too crazy.

Something always happens in the end so now he's back, in the same place he always respawns in. He didn't expect anything to happen this time, now that everything always seems to repeat. Over and over again. Until he saw a figure in the distance. It was a slugcat... but one he has never seen before.

It had green fluffy fur, a delicate golden dress, a karma shaped flower on its left ear, and its eyes seemed to be closed. He smelt a sweet scent of marigold near him. He was drawn. He has never seen a slugcat like that before. He approached it closely.

"Oh, I didn't see you there." The slugcat remarked. Enot was marveled at the sight of it. As he kept looking, he saw its tail. The fluffy green tail which had a green to black gradient almost seamlessly.

"Who... are you?" Enot asked.

"Me? Oh! My apologies, my name's Saint." It replied back.

Saint... Enot heard that name once. He was Nightcats friend, was it? Quite interesting.

"I have an offer to give you..." Saint suddenly spoke up. "I have a gun here."

A WHAT?! Enot heard about guns from LTTM but he's never seen one face-to-face.

"I will give you the gun and help me with ascending everyone and everything in rain world, and you'll get to go back to rain world and not be in the void sea..." Saint offered.

Enot couldn't say no. He agreed and he got sent back to Rain world.

"Time to end this!"












(Saint's POV)

I went back to Rain world. I was wondering if Enot has done what I wanted him to do. As I walked across metropolis, the same place I met Artificer, I saw him. He was holding the gun, shooting everything he saw.

Scavengers? Gone.

Lantern Mice? Gone.

Lizards? Gone.

Batflies? Gone.

Pole Plants? Gone.

Everything was gone. Lost to Enot and his gun. I was impressed. The only one that managed to do this much damage was Artificer, and she was just using an explosive spear. This was a gun. A freaking gun. Everything is possible with a gun.

I watched as he spotted a random strawberry lizard, aimed his gun slowly at it, then shot it. It was a wild rodeo, but it was a beautiful rodeo. I could almost see the maniac smile on his face, but it was unclear because of my closed eyes.

"Enot..." I called him.

He seemed to notice as he stopped shooting.

"You did a great job Enot! I guess you can keep it... if you want?"


I smiled as I walked back to the void sea. Enot still holding the gun and shooting everything. Well I guess that's what happens when you give a maniac a gun with infinite bullets. Absolute chaos. I hope I don't regret this in the future.


I love this gun. I love the fact that Saint gave me the gun for free. I love guns. I casually shot a red lizard. I feel the american coming from inside of me. I screamed out the American anthem.

"GUNS!!!!!! CAW CAW!!!" I shouted as I shot multiple Miros vultures.

I ran around Rain world shooting everything. I shot Leviathans, Living Kelp, and more! I thank Saint multiple times even when he's not here. I love guns!!!!


Word count: 680 words

Guys i think Enot likes guns.

Anyways this was rushed because writer's block left me after reading many angst fanfictions.

The next chapters are going to be a bit longer,

This chapter is just a very good shitpost.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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