Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I was in a Seven Eleven, on a snack errand.

Trey was finally out of my house, so I could get some food into it now. I knew anything I would have bought before, he would have stuffed himself with it.

I didn't want him to get too comfortable. I wanted him to go back to his life. Sure, he was fun to have around, but he needed to go back to school. Or at least find what it as he wanted to do.

And he wasn't going to do any of that on my couch listening to HGTV.

I was in the chip's aisle, when I heard my name being called.

I turned my head, frowning, to see who was calling me.

It was Owen, a guy that had been in one of my classes when I was still doing pre-med.

He had always been fairly nice to me

Most people just ignored me. And a few treated me like shit.

So, I wasn't displeased to cross his path here.

I walked up to me with a grin, "Long time now see? How have you been?"

"Not too bad. You?" I asked, smiling back.

"I dropped pre-med too," I admitted, and chuckled at that.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," Owen shrugged, "I kind of got over it. It didn't feel like I was at the right place."

"It kind of felt like that for me too," I said, and then added, kind of like an afterthought, "at the time."

"You ever think about going back?"

I sighed. I could see his friends behind us, sneaking a glance, like they were curious. "Honestly, I don't know. I think I want to go back to how it felt when I was pre-med."

"What? You miss Bradley Sills being a dick?" he snorted.

I rolled my eyes. "I definitely do not miss that."

"So, are you still doing art?"

"Yeah? You? What are you studying now?"

This felt weird. Small talk. I was not good at small talk. Or just talk, really.

"I'm trying out law," Owen replied, and I kind of burst into laughter suddenly.

Owen, chuckled a little, confused. "What's funny?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, my grandfather actually has a big law firm."

Owen's interest was suddenly quite piqued. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's kind of the family trade. My father was the odd one out."

"Do you think you could get me an interview at his firm?"

I snorted. "Doubt I could even get one for myself. I'd need to harpoon a couple of my uncles first."

Owen grinned at the imaged I had conjured. "Sounds entertaining."

"That's a right way to qualify my family."

"Well," he looked behind him, at his friends that were starting to get antsy. "I should get going now. It was fun seeing you! We should catch up another time," he said, the way people would out of politeness, but not because they actually meant it.

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