Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Esther was standing next to me in the elevator taking us to my penthouse being unusually quiet.

She'd gone kind of wide eyed when she'd seen the building I was heading towards.

This was not a cheap place to live at. And this was the penthouse.

Being a Titchen had some perks.

I did feel like I was scaring her off a little bit though, when she was realizing just how seriously loaded I was.

I didn't want things to change between us, but I also knew that money often did that.

And I had no idea why I was overthinking this. I was just helping my friend. She needed a place to sleep. There was nothing more to think about.

Once we reached the top floor the doors dinged open making Esther slightly jump in surprise, and I remembered this must be a lot more unsettling for her than it was for me.

I should really be making her feel comfortable.

"Welcome to my place," I announced as the doors opened.

I stepped inside, took my shoes off and left her enough space to get her bearings.

I turned to look back a her.

She stood there for a second, staring at her feet, like she wasn't sure what she should be doing.

I always took my shoes off, because it had always been a habit in my family, but I wouldn't make a big deal if she felt more comfortable keeping hers on.

"You don't have to take your shoes off if you're uncomfortable," I reassured her.

"Oh... no it's okay," she said in her small voice, and when she did I realized her socks weren't matching.

Had she been worried about that? Such a small, insignificant thing.

My heart broke even more for her.

I headed to the kitchen with my plastic bags from the convenience store, to put everything away.

Esther followed me like my little shadow, not making a sound.

Once I was done putting the last thing in the fridge, she cleared her throat, and asked, like she was trying to break the silence, "You live alone here?"

She sat on a stool on the other side of the island, waiting for my answer.

For a second, I realized the craziness of this whole thing.

Maybe I shouldn't trust her like this. Maybe this was all a very elaborate ploy to steal all my stuff.

Honestly though? I didn't really care. If she decided to steal the television, I wouldn't cry about it. The only thing I cared in this penthouse were my plants, and the few trinkets left by my parents, and I doubted any of that was worth anything.

And even if we hadn't known each other for very long, strangely, I trusted Esther.

I didn't trust people easily, so that must have meant something.

"Yeah, both my parents are dead, so it's just me," I admitted a lot more easily than I would have though possible.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she replied automatically.

I smiled softly at her. "Thanks."

"I knew about your dad," she admitted, looking a little sheepish. "You know, that time at the cafeteria."

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