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Josephine and Celeste took, yet another, shot, the two of them cringing at the bitter taste as they quickly shook their heads, as if the motion will reduce the temporary burn that slid down their throats

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Josephine and Celeste took, yet another, shot, the two of them cringing at the bitter taste as they quickly shook their heads, as if the motion will reduce the temporary burn that slid down their throats.

Celeste drunkenly stumbled as she leaned closer to Josephine, yelling over the blaring music, her voice entirely slurred. "So, when is Peter supp- supposed showup?!"

Josephine widened her eyes at how intoxicated Celeste was. Only five minutes had passed between the time Josephine had briefly left Celeste to use the bathroom, and the girl was already plastered. Josephine thought she was pretty drunk, but she didn't expect Celeste to be even more-so.

"Uh, I'm- I'm not sure...actually." Josephine called out in response, swallowing as she tried to keep her voice steady, furrowing her eyebrows as she turned around, and slightly straining her neck as she tried to find the boy with her eyes, although her vision was quite blurry.

The girl's head was spinning from her current state of intoxication, and she knew if she drank a bit more, she would most definitely throw up.

Josephine was waiting for Peter to arrive, and she was, admittedly, a little disappointed that he wasn't there. All she wanted from him was, at least, to appear at the party. He didn't even need to stay the whole night—an hour was more than enough.

As if on cue, three taps on Josephine's shoulder caught the girl's attention, and as she twisted around, eyes briefly widening from the slight whiplash she felt when she did so, she couldn't prevent the beam that spread across her lips at the sight of the boy she had been ruminating about the whole night.

"Peter!" Josephine happily squealed—the sound very much unlike her, but involuntarily slipping out—as she jumped up and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

At the unexpected action, the air from Peter's lungs was temporarily stolen, the boy huffing out a "woah" as he wrapped one arm around her frame and patted her back gently, slightly furrowing his eyebrows at the strong smell of alcohol that wafted from her mouth.

As Josephine pulled away from him, vision hazy, the girl rested her hands on either side of Peter's shoulders, lazy grin still across her lips. "You made it."

"Yeah, I thought I'd stop by for a bit, I have to go soon...though..." Peter let his voice trail off as he observed Josephine pout sadly at the words. "How much alcohol have you had?"

"Not enough!" Josephine laughed, Peter raising his eyebrows and nodding slowly.

Unbeknownst to the pair, Celeste had left, one of her other friends deciding to take her home due to the immense amount of alcohol she had consumed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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