Josh Dun Imagine (Fluff/smut)

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(Trigger warning! I'll put a thing like this before and after the triggering area)

Y/N's P.O.V

Tears overflowed your Y/E/C eyes as you continued to scroll through the numerous amounts of hate. Everyone was comparing you to Josh's Ex girlfriend, Debby, saying that he should have just stayed with her, that she was better for him than you. You were starting to believe them now, she was better for Josh. She was gorgeous, had a perfect body, and was overall just better than you, to everyone except Josh.

He saw you as the literal definition of perfect. He loved everything about you, he could find perfection in every single one of your flaws, trying to show how perfect they were to you. He would always brag about you online, calling you every loving name he could think of. He was the perfect boyfriend, and you felt like you needed to be just as perfect to even be considered his girlfriend.

You slammed your laptop shut as tears free flowed out from your sad and blood shot eyes. You got up and set the laptop onto your desk, before walking over to the washroom.

(Trigger warning! Please skip to the spot where it will say triggering bit over if you are not comfortable reading this or if it may trigger you. Stay strong Lovies Xx)

You had dealt with depression and self harm for a long time now, but because of Josh, you had now been three months clean.

That's all gonna be gone now huh you weak freak!

The voice in your head shouted at you. It scared you a bit today. You haven't heard it in months because of Josh. He distracted you from it, reminding you constantly that everything it said was a lie, because you were perfect. Lately though, he has been distancing him self. Not talking as much or cracking jokes as often as he wood, and he's always out with the band, and you had been slipping back into your old ways.

You grabbed the small box from the back of the cabinet, opening it and grabbing your old friend. You shut the door and put your back to it, sliding down until you were sitting."Do i really want too do this? Josh will be so upset and probably dump me!" Thought too yourself as you glared down at the blade in your hand, twirling it through your fingers.

Yes you do! You Deserve it you weak skank! Josh probably is only with you over pity, who would love an ugly fat girl with scars covering her overly pale skin! The voice screamed at you. Sobs shot through your body, making you shake violently.

You moved over too the bath tub, putting your arm over the edge. Taking a few deep breaths, you put the bade to your skin, but not giving it the power too harm you. you pressed down harder, feeling a slight pinch as the blade cut your thin skin. Blood droplets started too slowly ooze through the wound, soon dripping down the sides of your wrist and falling to the porcelain bed of the tub.

You whipped the blade at the wall, letting out a frustrated scream laced with pain. You thought you heard footsteps, but weren't sure. Soon you heard an all to familiar voice calling out to you from the hallway. Your sobs got louder as the thoughts flooded your mind.

Josh is going too hate you!

He's going to leave you!

What have you done you idiot!

Your own voices of pity were thankfully drowning out the hurtful tones laughing hysterically at your failure. You heard the door to your and Josh's bedroom open and someone, probably Josh's, footsteps glide closer towards where you were sitting with tears cascading down your cheeks and blood continuously flowing from the wound on your scarred wrist.

(Triggerung ended.)

The door to the bathroom slammed open and you heard a loud gasp before two arms snaked around you, picking you up and placing you on the counter.

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