Chris Motionless Imaging for Meghan (fluff)

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Meghan's P.O.V

"Thank you Pittsburgh! We are absolute insanity and it was great playing for you all!" The lead singer of the band, Ally, yelled as the crowd went wild. I chucked the rest of my picks to the crowd, as did the others.

The band I was in, absolute insanity, was touring with motionless in white. I had been friends with the vocalist, Chris, since we were in our diapers. We grew up together. Over theses last few years though, I had developed a crush which soon turned into full bloom love. So when he called asking if we would tour with them, we all jumped up to say yes. Well, more like scream it.

We walked off of the stage, still all hyped up from our set. I handed my guitar to our tech before grabbing some water off of a table. We passed by all the guys, them saying good job and us wishing them luck, not that they needed it. Chris was last to pass us and I could already feel the butterflies in my stomach as I got closer to him.

"Good job," Chris said when I passed by, stopping me to give me a quick hug and a small peck on the cheek. I blushed at the small gesture. I sighed as we separated and he went on stage. This boy could get me so frustrated sometimes. I walked into the room where the rest of the band was.

"So, when's the wedding?" The drummer, Jacky, asked with a sly smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. The whole band "ooooh"ed at Jacky and I, the sounds soon turning into laughter. I huffed slightly before turning on my heel and storming out of the dressing room. I heard the band calling after me, but I just continued to walk until I was out of the venue. They were the only ones who knew about my crush and they constantly made fun of me for it. It was bad enough having to deal with knowing that he probably doesn't like me back, I don't need them constantly teasing me for it.

I walked around until I found this park. I quickly walked over to the swing, sitting down and pulling my phone out. A breeze picked up and I just noticed how cold it actually was. My body shivered as I got my phone out of my pocket only to be met with multiple missed calls and text messages. Before I could even unlock my phone, Chris' caller ID popped up, signalling that he was calling me. I pressed answer before I began to talk.

"h-he-ell-o?" I asked, my voice shaky from the cold.

"Meghan! Where the hell are you? I've been trying to call you for almost two hours now! All of us are running around the town looking for you! Where are you? I'll come get you," His tone went from angry, to worried, to sweet in seconds. I looked around quickly and saw the sign to the park.

"I"m at Ashlan Memorial Park," I said quietly, silently thanking myself for not having a voice crack. I hugged myself tightly, trying to keep myself warm.

"I'm Just down the road okay? I'll be there in two minutes just hold tight babe, " he said, the call ended as my heart fluttered from the small name. I shakily sighed as I got up and walked to the road, leaning against the sign. Fatigue quickly took over my body and I found myself slowly falling asleep. The next few minutes sleepily flew by and before I knew it, I was wrapped up in a familiar pair of arms. I moved closer into the warmth of Chris's chest as he roughly ran his hands up and down mine.

"What were you thinking Meghan? God, you had me worried sick," He whispered in my ear, pulling off his jacket and wrapping it around me. I only barely shook my head, pushing myself deeper into his embrace. He sighed as he squeezed me tighter.

"C'mon, let's get you back to the hotel," he said, trying, but failing to pull away. I only wrapped my arms tighter around him, not wanting his warmth to leave me. He chuckled, leaning down and grabbing the back of my thighs, pulling me up so that my legs were wrapped around him. I lied my head on his shoulder as he carried me to his car. He opened the door, sitting me down on the seat.

"Thank you," I whispered before letting go of him. He smiled, kissing my cheek, letting his lips linger there for a while. I felt the heat rise on my cheeks once he pulled away, thankful that it was dark and he couldn't see my face.

He closed the door. I pulled my knees up to my chest as Chris ran around to his side and hopping in.  He turned the heat up full mblast, which I was thankful for.  The engined roared to life, then we were of.  We got to the hotel quickly, and by now I was warm.

"C'mon doll, we gotta go to your room," Chris said in a quiet and soft tone. I groaned, easily showing my distaste to getting out. Chris chuckled before coming over to my side and opening the door. I swung my legs out of the car, but before I could stand up, two arms snaked under my legs, pulling me up. I wrapped my arms around Chris's neck, sleepily giggling.

"Happy now?" Chris quietly said in my ear. I could practically hear the smile in his light and happy tone as a shiver ran through my body, making me press my body tighter to his.

"Very, now that I don't need to walk," I replied with a small giggle. He chuckled in my ear slightly.

"You're adorable," he whispered. Heat quickly rose to my cheeks from the small comment. I didn't respond as I put my face against his shoulder, a smile prominent on my face. He stopped for a moment when we got to my hotel room, pulling the room key from my back pocket, letting his fingers linger for a second.

"Hey! how'd you know that was there?" I questioned with a giggle. He just shrugged.

"Wild guess doll," he answered as he pushed the door open. He walked over to the bed, leaning down to put my on it.

"No, stay please," I murmured as I tightly held onto him. He chuckled as he pulled back, making me let go so I wouldn't hurt him.

"fine, just let me go change ok? It will take me only a minute," he said as he reached, I just nodded. I got up and walked over to my suitcase, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and a thin tank top. By the time I was done getting ready, Chris walked back in the room. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a warm lips place themselves on my neck. 

"You look absolutely stunning love," he murmured against my neck. I hummed in response, turning around and wrapping my arms around my neck. He picked me up, spinning around while laughing. I let out a small shriek as he continued to spin until we both fell on our side, giggling like crazy. His hand came up, wresting against my cheek as he stared into my eyes. Something flashed through his eyes, but I couldn't tell what it was. Suddenly, his lips were on mine. I quickly kissed back, electricity running through my veins.

"I love you you know? You're laugh, you're eyes, you're... everything. I love you," He said as he pulled away. My heart fluttered at his words. I didn't think twice before replying.

"I love you to Chris, I have for a while," I quietly said as I slowly pecked his lips.

"Well then, will you be my girlfriend Meghan?" he question. I didn't reply for a second, in complete shock. He looked worried when I broke out into a fit of giggles.  I pecked his lips quickly before replying.

"Yes, a thousand times yes,"  His face broke out into a huge smile before he crushed me into a hug.  I can't believe this was actually happening. Chris actually asked me to be his girlfriend.

" I love you Doll," Chris said as he lightly pecked my lips.

"I love you to,"



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