SWS prefernce He hits you (Part 1)

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Sleeping With Sirens Preference #1

He hits you. (Part 1)


It all happened in a few short seconds. One second you were arguing, the next your holding your cheek in pain. Realising what had happened you slowly turned your head to look at Kellin, who looked just as shocked as you were.

"B-babe! I swear I didn't mean to. I-i-i..." Kellin dragged off looking terrified. He took a step closer, making you step back until your back was against the wall.

"S-stop.. just s-stay away..." you said in a quiet voice as you slid down the wall until you were in a sitting position, your knees to your chest. Your face was covered by your knees, but you could still tell that Kellin did the same as you, sitting against the sofa across from you.

After a few minutes, you heard small sobs and quick, short breaths coming from Kellin, you looked up to see him with his head inbetween his knees while his hands tugged at the ends of his hair.

I quietly stood up, running upstairs and quickly packing a small bag before running back downstairs to see Kellin still the same. He looked up when he heard your footsteps and his face dropped completely.

"No... no no no baby please. Y-you can't leave me please! I swear I didn't mean to it j-just happened! I wasn't thinking straight!" He begged as he got up and rushed over to you. You put your hand up on his chest, making him stop just a few centimeters away from you.

"Goodbye Kellin. I'm sorry it had to end like this," You said before grabbing your purse and walking out the front door. The look on his face when you left almost made you stay.



"What the hell Justin?! I waited for almost three hours at the resturant! I made a fool of my self!" You yelled as your boyfriend of three years, Justin, and you walked into your shared appartment.

"Jesus christ Y/N I told you I was with the guys!" He yelled back, slamming the door. You were furious that he stood you up, and you had a feeling that he wasn't with "the guys,". You had texted Kellin asking if Justin was with them, and when he said no, you knew something was up.

"Bull you were with the guys! I texted Kellin asking if he was with you and he said no! He thought you were with me!" You screamed back. Justins face went completely red as you finished.

"How about you stop being so damn clingy Y/N!" He yelled back. Slamming his fist on the table. You were beyond pissed now.

"Just admit you were with a someone else!" With that, Justin swung his fist back, it connecting with your cheek. Your head whipped to the side, immediately tasting blood. Tears slide down your cheek as wave after wave of pain goes through your body.

"Oh god... oh god Y/N... i-I swear... I didn't cheat, I was with Jack and Nick. Oh my god you're bleeding. Babe I'm so sorry, oh my god," Justin said in a shaky voice. You quickly push past Justin, running up to the two of yours room.

"Babe wait!" Justin yelled, chasing after you. You beat him by a few seconds, slamming the door in his face and locking it. You slid down the door, curling into a ball. You felt a small bang on the door.

"Please..." You hear Justin whisper. Small sobs rack your body as your mind replays everything that has happened tonight. You covered your mouth with your hand as your sobs got more and more harsh and loud. You heard Justin sigh before hearing a sliding nose. You guessed that he had just turned around or something.

"I f**ked up bad..." you hear Justin say in a small voice. After a few moments, you hear Justin start to cry quietly. Your heart ached at the sound, but you still remember what he had done. Not wanting to hear anymore, you got up and walked over to your bed. As soon as you layed down and closed your eyes, you were out.


"Babe I swear I didn't kiss him!" You tried reasoning with your boyfriend, Jack. He had came home furious today, holding a magazine that had a picture of you and your best guy friend, Matthew, on the front. Matthew was gay, but from the angle the picture was taken at, it looked like you two were kissing, but you knew that you had kissed him on the cheek when it was taken.

"Oh bulls**t Y/N! This picture clearly shows you two kissing! I'm not stupid Y/N" He yelled back, throwing the magazine down at your feet. You rolled your eyes at how small minded he was being.

"Jack you know I wouldn't do something like this! You kn-" you were cut off my a sharp slap, your head whipping to the side. Your hand shakily came up to touch your face as you slowly turn to look at Jack, terror written all across your face. Jack looked a mixture of shocked and terrified.

"Y-Y/N.. oh god Y/N. I'm so sorry love! Oh god I-i-i swear I didn't mean to!" Jack pleaded in a shaky voice, taking a step towards you, making you back up until your back hit the wall. You quickly put your arms up infront of your face and slid down the wall until you were in a ball, scared that he was going to hit you again.

"I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry, I-i swear I d-didn't ch-cheat!" You whispered. After a few moments of silence, you slowly moved your arms down to see Jack looking at his hands, as though they were monsters.


You heard the door slam shut as a drunk Gabe stumbled in, giggling over nothing. You stood there with your arms crossed over your chest, tapping your foot. Gabe just gave you a confused look, paired with a goofy smile.

"Where have you been Gabe? Its almost 4 in the morning!" You seethed as you stepped closer, checking slightly for injuries. When you found a lipstick mark on his neck, you looked back at his glazed over eyes with anger burning in yours.

"I-i was j-just out with the g-guys baby," Gabe said, grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him. He reeked of alcohol and womens perfum. You knew it wasn't yours because it smelt to candy like, while yours was more of a sweet berry and floral smell.

"Bull you were just with the guys! You reek of candy perfume and you have lipstick marks on your neck!" You angrily yelled as you stomped your foot. Gabe looked angry,really angry. Swinging his fist back, he brought it down to connect with your cheek. You looked at him in shock.

"She was better than you anyways, stupid b**ch" he said, oblivious to the fact that he had just hit you. You got up and walked over to the storage closet, grabbing a pillow and blanket. You chucked it at Gabe, hitting him in the face.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight," You angrily spoke quietly before storming of to the bedroom, tears sliding down your face. You couldn't believe he had just hit you. When you made it to your room, you slammed the door shut, locking it in the process. You sighed as the pain slightly lessened. You walked over to the mirror, looking at the damage down. A bruise had already started to form on your jaw, fading slightly up to your cheek. You just closed your eyes tightly and shook your head. You layed down in bed and tried sleeping. Soon you were out, dreaming about what else could've happened tonight.


"I swear it wasn't what it looked like!" You yelled to a pissed off Nick. He had seen a hammered Kellin kiss you. You didn't kiss back and the kiss had only lasted a second before you pushed Kellin off. Sadly, Nick was to far to see that you didn't kiss back, so he though that you had kissed him. Now he was pissed.

"Bull it wasn't! You clearly kissed him back!" He yelled. You were getting frusturated now. Both you and him knew you wouldn't do that because you had been cheated on before and knew the pain of it, but tonight he wasn't having it.

"Just admit you kissed back Y/N!" He yelled, getting up in your face. You shrinked back slightly. You were both sober, and thats what made the whole thing so much more terrifying.

"Nick I-i swear I d-didn't.." you stutter out. He didn't have it though. He swung his arm back and stricked you on the cheek, hard. Your vision blurred slightly as spots clouded it. You felt light headed, and soon enough you fell your body fall to the floor. The last thing you heard before hitting the floor was Nick's shocked gasp.


A/N sorry if Jack and Nicks were short.

Part 2 coming soon!

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