2 II Into The World Of Novels

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You woke up with a searing feeling in your whole body, specifically your head. It's as if you had been crushed, your bones pulverized to ashes and broken beyond repair. It wasn't like you got hit by a bulldozer or some big ass vehicle like a truc-

Your thoughts stopped at the mention of the familiar word, the thing you last saw before everything blacked out. Were you hit? You were sure of it. It's common to get hit by trucks, but you thought it is common because it only happens in fiction, not real life but here you are. You're here currently feeling the pain it left you, you can't even move your body one bit, you're paralyzed to your head to the toe. But none of that matters, only one question lingered in your head. It was that of 'Am I already dead?'

However, would that doesn't describe the fact you're currently here, lying in a comfortable bed that's obviously meant for some noble lady? Which you clearly aren't, as you're sure you'd end up being one of the beggars on the street if you live longer. You even got pitied by a robber because you're that broke. Does that make you the lowest of the lowest?

But still, you can't be dead, everything feels so vivid and as comfy as the bed is, it's still not enough to convince you of being in after life, heck to be in heaven is even impossible when you know yourself you'd end up being in hell for your sultry slutty chrome history alone.

If only you'd be able to come and stand up to see what's really going on.

That leads you to thinking, where in the actual fox gloves are you? You're sure as hell this isn't heaven or an funeral home whatsoever. Clearly, clear as the ocean untouched under the bright blue skies, you aren't in any of those mentioned places. It's also clear as day that the body you're currently in wasn't yours. Though you can't gaze upon a mirror to prove so, you just had this unexplainable gut feeling that it wasn't yours. It's weird, almost being stuck in a room of people who knew each other with you being the only stranger inside.

It's like you don't belong. It felt like you're in a episode of derealization.

Your musings continues until you heard the heavy doors open. You tensed, but perhaps that the person who will enter would be your answer to the big question mark you have in your head. You just hope they're not an evil scientist who revived you to became his lab rat. You prayed with all your beibg that you aren't in those sci-fi thriller scenes. You don't want to the next subject in a movie like Frankenstein.

If only really, you can move. You cursed without stopping in your head.

You're just there, stuck in the damned position uncomfortably once again praying to God you weren't about to encounter an evil scientist who's going to do some sick shit such as experimenting.

But you were wrong when you're met with an old man who far look stressed but still kind nonetheless. But still can't judge by appearance. He looks like Einstein and those who look like Einstein means they're smart, it relies if they're evil or not.

He seems shocked to see that you're awake but still unmoving. To be frank, its only your eyes that can move, well you can breath but yeah. He moved quickly, examining you while a few more people enter the ridiculously spacious room with all kinds of...whatever there is. Bottles, cups of some sticky green liquid, towels and such.

Perhaps this old man is an doctor, well he looks like one with the mustache, white greying hair, really exactly like Einstein. The only thing different was he's wearing round little glasses. One that's like Harry Potter's but was meant for an mouse instead.

Though you don't know how he managed to make a full diagnosis just by touching the pulse of your limp wrist.

"It seems that the young lady is temporarily paralyzed. After that fall from the stairs, it would take a week or two before she could move again." You wanted to say that you were hit by an truck and that you didn't fall down the stairs. And most importantly, you weren't that prestigious to be called a young lady. You're a modern beggar, a modern peasant!

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