// Roleplay Rules //

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First off a warning: this roleplay might include Violence, Harm, Gore and death, fighting scenes and possible birthing scenes

First off timeline information:

The rp starts shortly after episode 8,
But viserys is still alive and will die further on. This way everyone can still roleplay littarly in peace before the real game starts

Please be as literate as possible, reply with at least four sentences, this can be someone says or one or two where your character or OC thinks or does something. Try to be as detailed as you can (it's alright if your english is not that good as others, being creative with your sentences is enough!). This way you can give others something to work with.

Please try to be original with your OCS, not everyone can be in love with a prince or princess or close to the royal family and the roleplay will be much more fun if all of Westeros is involved in it! (Think of all the different houses, different ranks and more)

You have control of your character and your character only. Please do not take charge of other people's characters unless the owner(s) have given you permission to do so. (You can always ask the owner if you can do something if you're not sure if they would agree)

Here comes the famous rpg sentence: "hate the character not the roleplayer" I will not tolerate bullying, fighting or any thing of the sort in this roleplay

This might be a bummer but there's only one version of every name. To prevent confusion and discussions from happening during the rpg there cannot be two characters with the same name, even though Westeros is indeed famous of having 1k+ Aegons

You cannot 'claim' a role before making a form, you can claim a role by writing one and once the role is accepted by me it's officially yours. This way slots cannot be claimed and never used

When it comes to high and important roles, please don't create characters for them if you know you're not going to be very active. However if you're away for a week (because of a vacation or something like that), just let us know!

There will be character limitations and once they're full, they're full.

There will be an 'Starting Westeros' page, on that page you can chat with each other to learn more about each others character or find possible siblings, parents and family members. In this way everyone will already be familiar with the characters around them in the rp. In "Starting Westeros" you can also talk with others about a possible kind of rp you wish to have, or simply talk about what happend in season 1 or talk about whatever you want (do stay nice to one another, someone might be a big team black fan whilst others are team green)

Please take any parts of the roleplay having to do with intimate scenes private, you can dm the other person to ask if they either want that part or you can just use timeskips in the roleplay. As i'll get notifications of the entire roleplay, which include those parts.

It is password time, to full in your form entirely and get accepted into the rpg you have to fill in a password. This way i can also rule out that the rules have been read and understood. The password is simply put 'Fire and Blood' when you're team black and "We Light The Way" when you are team green. If you're not any of the teams you can use your favorite character as your password

In this roleplay you can chose your own story for your OC. However, when using a character of HOTD, you'll be playing in their character, you're not as free as when you use your OC as a change in your character could cause major changes to the storyline.

However love interests or friendships that do not infect or tear apart the entire storyline are allowed. The children of the king and queen are allowed to have a different love interest as long as it does not impact the story in a big way. Characters who are not allowed to have a different love interest are the king and the queen as their influence is wayyyy too big. As for the others: please do remind yourself that for example the children of important characters, like Rhaenyra, might be getting played by others, their parents cannot change. Rhaenyra can for example have a relationship with a different person but the parents of jace and luke do not change as that would change their appearance. When something like this comes forward, discuss with one another how you'd like the storyline to be. For example, is it because one of the parents is dead? Or their ex?

Friendships that are not allowed are those between two characters who clearly dislike each other on the show.

Situations that are not allowed are important characters not staying true to their path, Aemond hates Luke, Daemon dislikes the greens a lot, and most importantly existing characters can not change from black to green or from green to black

When you wish to change something in the roleplay, like causing a battle or war, or even something that can add little change, please inform me about this and we can discuss this with others on the 'Starting Westeros' page

God-play mode is not allowed. Your character is human, they can get sick and they can get injured. Nor are they 'better' than other characters.

Always ask an owner for permission when it comes to injuring, courting or majorly influencing another character or OC.

And last but not least, in order to make sure the roleplay keeps on going, please make sure that when you play more than one female, you also add a male character/ oc to the rp: this way interactions between characters will stay mixed and will become much more fun and interesting!

Only The persons who chose a existing character to play can chose who they have a crush on, or, when you still want to rp with an existing character you can go to the "Individual roleplay" page (which is going to be added later on) and find someone who would like to roleplay with you!

When wishing to play a targaryen one must have another OC from another house, this way characters will be spread across all of Westeros!

Please cover up cusses that wattpad considers offensive. For insance, when cursing use: fvck, bástard, ásshóle, cünt.. you get the idea

More rules might be added further on

A Tale Of Westeros «HOTD Roleplay»Where stories live. Discover now