-Flea Bottom-

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This Area also includes the streets of Kings Landing

Some information:

Flea Bottom is a maze-like warren of narrow streets, ramshackle buildings, and dark alleys. Survival on the streets of Flea Bottom is tough and hardening. The area is filled with cheap brothels, low-class inns, alehouses, gambling dens, and pot-shops serving meager stews. Tanneries are also located there, which makes the air stink. Many of its inhabitants subsist primarily on a meager, slow-cooked stew containing meat of questionable origins known as "bowls of brown."

The slum is located on the lower eastern side of Rhaenys's Hill, in the valley between it and Aegon's High Hill (which the Red Keep is atop). This is on the opposite side of Aegon's Hill from the docks. It doesn't extend all the way up the eastern side of Rhaenys's Hill, however: at the top are the Dragonpit and the Street of Silk, location of expensive brothels that cater to the nobility. "Flea Bottom" begins below the Street of Flour, which is the location of many bakeries. The worst sections are at the absolute bottom of the hill, where human waste flows down the pipes from both Rhaenys's Hill and Aegon's High Hill and into the gutters, which often overflow when it rains. The feces that flows down from the pipes on Aegon's Hill flow down Tanner's Row, down to Gin Alley, at the absolute bottom of the hill and the very worst part of Flea Bottom.

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