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Doctor: (god save me.......😣)

(Just then Jin spoke up and the atmosphere became normal again as if God heard doctor's wish.)

Jin: Doctor brother.....

Jin: How's he now?

Doctor: Oh..... Don't worry

Doctor: He's a lot better....

Doctor: Still it'll take time for him to be able to walk or run again

Jin: Hmmm....😣 (Sad)

Doctor: Don't be sad

Doctor: He'll recover soon

Doctor: And then you can play with him

Doctor: So cheer up

(As if the puppy heard him and started wagging his tail while licking jin's face.)

Doctor: See even he agrees with me....

(The dog barks at his comment.)

Jin: Hehe.....😆😆

Doctor: Okay I need to leave now

Jin: Okay....

(He bowed and left from there.)

(After sometime Jin and jungkook left too.)

(It was around 5pm when they left the hospital.)

(Time skips)

(They reached jin's house.)

Jin: Mr.bunny thank you again

Jin: For dropping me off....🤗

Jin: I should go now....

Jk: Hmm....

(Jin opened the car door and was about to step out but stopped.)

Jin: ..... (Turned to face jungkook)

Jk: ???

Jin: Sorry...

Jin: I forgot....

Jk: What?

Jin: Mom told me to invite you to our house to eat something

Jin: She said I didn't thank you properly last time

Jin: So can you come with me now?

Jk: .....

Tae: Hey kiddo

Tae: What about me?huh?

Tae: I too helped you

Jin: Yes....yes.....boxy smile brother can come too

Tae: (boxy smile brother.....😐)

Jin: And driver uncle too...

Driver: (oh.....such a nice kid ..😫)

Jk: No....

Jin: But why? 😕

Jk: .....(signals Tae)

Tae: ......(understood)

Tae: Ahh...kid

Tae: As much as I wanted but we can't

Tae: We have some work to do

Tae: So.....

Jin: Umm.....😞 (Sad)

Jk: .....

Jk: Maybe next time....

Jin: Really?😯 Really?

Jk: Hmmm.....

Jin: Okay then....

(He was about to go but again stopped.)

Tae: Now what kiddo?

Jin: Mr.bunny

Jin: Can you wait for at least 2 no 10 minutes?

Jk: ....

Jin: Please.... 🥹

Jk: Sigh....

Jk: Nods....

Jin: Okay wait here.....

(Jin rushed out of the car to the restaurant.)

Tae: This kid....

Tae: Why does he love to run so much?

Driver: He might get hurt..... (Worried)

Jk: .......

To be continued.....

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