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(Tae's whole body was covered in sand and it was actually in the shape of a merman.)

(He had a tail like a merman does )

(Tae looked at jungkook who was laughing.)

(Then he looked at Jin who was laughing hard while holding his stomach and he knew it was him who did this to him)

Tae: So it's you,huh?

Tae: You just wait

(Tae stood up and dusted himself off.)

(Jin stood up too.)

Jin: But you were looking good.....

Tae: I wanna reward you for that

Jin: Whoa!!no!!

(Jin started running with Tae chasing him after.)

Tae: Wait you brat....

Jin: No ...

Tae: Just let me catch you once

Tae: Then see what I do to you

(Once Tae almost caught Jin.)

Jin: Wahh.... (Speed up)

Jk: .....(Chuckles looking at them)

(After few minutes....)

Tae: Finally caught you....

(Tae was holding Jin by the back of his shirts collar)

Jin: Hehe ....😅😅

Jin: sowwy Tae 🥺

Tae: tell me

Tae: Why did you do that?

Jin: I was just bored

Jin: And mr.bunny wasn't playing with me

Jin: You were also sleeping

Jin: 😗 (pout)

Jin: We are on a vacation na...

Tae: .....(sighs)

Tae: I know that guy

Tae: but still I need to punish you... 😤 (Fake angry)

Tae: (🤭)

Jin: sowwy na 🥺😔😒 (cute voice)

Tae: Not gonna work....😑

Jin: 😞😞

To be continued.....

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