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Note : Instead of Beak hee sung I will right baek 😅

(10 minutes later)

(Jungkook reached the place baek told about)

(It was in the outskirts of the city.)

(He saw an abandoned building with few people guarding from outside)

Jk: It should be the place

(He walked towards the building)

(The guards stopped him and checked if he had any weapon with him )

Thug 1: You can go inside

(Jungkook then entered inside and was welcome by a sarcastic voice.)

Baek: Welcome welcome to my kingdom

Jk: Where is jin? (Cold voice)

Baek: Oh my so eager to see him

Baek: Why the rush man?

Baek: Won't you greet your rival first? 😏

Jk: I asked where Jin is

Baek: You are still as stubborn as before

Baek: Okay fine.

Baek: I heard that everyone's last wish should be fulfilled

Baek: Since You're gonna die soon

Baek: I'll grant your wish

Baek: Hey......bring the boy out....(to a man)

Man 1: Okay boss.

(Man 1 went to a room and dragged jin with him)

Man 1: ......(threw him on the floor)

Jin: Argh...

Jk: You f***er !! (Shout)

Jk: (about to go to jin)

Baek: Ah hah.... Wait wait

(Man 1 again pulled jin from the floor and grabbed his hands behind his back.)

Jin: Aahh....

Jin: Jin...

Jk: I'm here

Jk: Look at me

Jin: Huh? (Looked at him)

Jin: Mr.bunny.....😥😥

Jk: (heart shrink to see him in that condition)

Jk: Jin..... Don't worry

Jk: I'll take you out from here

Baek: Hahaha.....😂🤣 (Laughing like a maniac)

Baek: You really think you can leave here alive?

Jk: Let him go

Jk: You wanted me

Jk: I'm here

Jk: So release him

Baek: I didn't promise you,did I ?🤔🤔

Baek: Nah.....I didn't

Baek: So he'll stay here

Baek: At first I thought I would let him go

Baek: But you know he is very pretty and innocent

Baek: He'll be a good entertainment for us


Baek: .....(shrugs)

Baek: How?who will make me regret?

Baek: You?Hah

Baek: You're going to die soon.

To be continued......

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