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(Two months passed by)

(During this time Jin would come to jungkook's mansion everyday after college.)

(Tae,butler William and other staff members,gang members too got fond of jin because of his kind, innocent and cute personality.)

(Everyone adored him very much . evryone was very thankful because of him jungkook was changed.)

(He was like a complete different person and they liked it.)

(One day.....)

Jin: Oh.....mr.bunny

Jin: You have to come to my house tomorrow

Jk: Why?

Jin: Oh it's my birthday tomorrow....🤗

Jin: I'll be 18 tomorrow 😍😁

Jk: 🤭......(chuckle)

Jin: So you have to come......😗

Jk: Okay......

(Time skips.....)

(Next day.....)

(It was evening and Jin was standing near the road outside his house.)

Jin: Where is mr. Bunny ?😫

Jin: My legs are hurting......😩

(Jin who has been standing for an hour)

(Suddenly a black car stopped in front of him.)

Jin: Mr.bunny 😃 (shouts in excitement)

Jk: ......(got off the car too)

Jk: What are you doing outside?

Jin: I was waiting for you

Jin: It's been an hour....

Jk: ......(shocked)

Jk: Why did you wait outside?

Jk: Your legs

Jin: They hurt .....😫😫

Jk: ......(sighs)

Jk: Let's go inside

(Both left from there)


Tae: Hey!you both

Tae: I'm here too....

(Tae shouts as he started walking towards the house.)

To be continued......

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