And They Were Roomates

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A/N: Late is my forte. I was gonna update late but then it was TOO late so I decided to just do this a week late. And then went to Dorney Park instead. Anyway here, have some Marylily. I asked my friend for an AU and they accidentally gave me canon so we're rolling with it.

Also, yes, I am lazy and decided to skip two years. Nothing important happened. And, yes, I stole Marlene's lesbian talk from Charlie's gay talk in Heartstopper. Once again. Lazy writing. Sue me.


"So! I'm Marlene McKinnon. You two are?"

"I'm Lily. Lily Evans."

"Mary MacDonald. Do you two have a magic family? Is it cool? Tell me everything!"

"I'm a muggle-born too. But my friend, Sev, who went to Slytherin, is a half-blood. But his mum lives like a muggle," Lily told her.

"Ew, Slytherins. I'm a pureblood, and I'm telling you, the only good Slytherin I've met is James' mum," Marlene said, wrinkling her nose. "And let me tell you, she's the nicest lady, and she's also pretty fit."

"That's so gross, and if she's so nice, why is James an asshat?" Lily asked.

"Oy, that's my brother from another mother you're talking about, Evans!"

"He sat down in my compartment on the train and insulted my best friend! He's a complete-"

"Lily, Marlene, calm down. Let's talk about less serious stuff. How about we paint each other's nails and talk about boys or something."

"Fine. Give me red nails!" Marlene exclaimed.

Lily sighed and moved to sit with Mary on her bed, where she gestured them over. "If we don't talk about houses, I think that we can maybe be friends, Marlene."

"Call me Mars. Anyway, please do my nails, Mary!"


"Mars, why are you dating that foul boy?"

"Lily! How could you say that? He's like me, but a boy! It's perfect!"

"Mars, he's friends with that Potter boy! The one who sent me a Howler reciting a love poem at breakfast! All of those boys are awful, mark my words, you won't last a week!"

"You're just jealous I have a boyfriend and you don't!"


Mary sighed. Why couldn't the two ever get along?


"Sirius and I broke up."

"Called it," Lily said, hanging upside-down from her bed.

"Aw, Mars, do you want me to go beat him up?"

"No, I like Sirius. He's funny. We just... have a lack of common interest."


"Well, I lack an interest in men, and Sirius in women. It's not about him, really, he's a nice bloke, he just spent too much time ogling that one Hufflepuff. You know, the one with the nice hair. Personally, I would have ended it if he hadn't, his brother has this one friend and she's so pretty, I'm honestly a little jealous."

"You don't like men?" Mary asked.

"No, I like women."

"But don't women like men and men like women?"

"Not all men like women, and obviously all women don't like men. I'm just saying, Pandora Rosier is the prettiest person I've ever seen."

Lily gave Mary a look. These two years, whenever Potter very loudly and embarrassingly raved about his 'love' for her, she'd been denying it actually being love, because she felt the same way he claimed to feel for her for Mary. But maybe... nah. Straight.


One night, while Lily was out on her prefect rounds, Mary decided it was about time to ask Marlene a question that had been weighing on her for a while. 

"Mars? How did you know you were a lesbian?"

Marlene froze a minute from the sudden question. She had been dying her hair in the bathroom with the door open while Mary finished a Charms paper, and the silence had been comfortable. "Why? do you think you are?" 

Mary groaned. "That's the thing, I don't know."

Marlene shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I've always kind of known. I didn't wake up one morning and think to myself, 'Well, guess I'm gay now.' Even when I was young, it was always girls for me. I guess it just took dating Sirius for me to realize it."

"Oh. Uh, good to know."

"Have you ever had a crush? On a girl?"

"Uh, I think so? I don't know, I think there's this one girl I'm in love with but I don't even know if she likes me back, I just really like her, and I want to kiss her but like she has options and I feel like every girl on the planet would rather date the popular, funny straight dude than another girl if given the option, and-"

"Slow down, Mary. Is this girl Lily? Just because she can tolerate James now doesn't mean she's suddenly going to fall head over heels for him. And you should see the way she looks at you. You two would be perfect!"

"Mars, I don't know whether to believe you. Dorcas liked you back for at least six months before you were able to ask her out, but she still said no at first."

"I- that's different and you know it! Dork was bitter I didn't notice the reciprocation sooner!"

"Exactly. You're oblivious."

"James and I got Sirius and Remus together."

Mary paused. "Fine. just... give me a month, to collect myself?"

"Sure! But stick to that, or I'll do it for you. Now, shut up, before I spill this all over."

Mary rolled her eyes. "Yes ma'am."


"Hey, Lily, that's a nice top," Marlene started conversationally.

"Oh thanks, I jus-"

"But I think it would look better on Mary's floor," Marlene finished, lips curling into an amused smirk.

"Mars! You promised me a month!"

Marlene shrugged. "I got bored. Anyway, I was planning on spending the day with Dorcas, so I'll leave you to it~!" she sing-songed, sliding out of the room.

"Marlene! You bitch!"

"Uh, Mary, what was that about?" Lily asked.

Mary sighed. "This isn't really how I planned to ask you out, but, I've kind of liked you for a while, and I told Marlene because I was having a sexuality crisis, but she promised me she would give me a month to ask you out before intervening, but she just flirted with you for me, and I didn't even know that was a thing people did, so... will you be my girlfriend?" Mary's voice went up a little at the end.

"Uh, yeah!" Lily chirped.


"Yeah," Lily said, now giggling.

"Yeah?" Mary asked, now also laughing. "I-I say all that and I get a yeah?"

"Yeah! Yes, I'll be your girlfriend! I love you, Mary!"

Mary stopped laughing. "What?"

Lily cursed herself. "Shit, that was too fast, wasn't it? I'm sorry, I've just... I started liking you sometime early in second year."

Mary's eyes widened. "Second year? Oh my God, that was ages ago!"

"Yeah. It- it was actually kind of draining, having a crush that long."

Mary laughed. "That's so sweet, Goddamnit. Pacing be damned! I love you too, Lily!"

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