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A/N: Sorry for going MIA, school started lol. anyway here's a bunch of short lil guys based on my actual life (a lot of jegulily/jegulus because I severely see my relationship in them)

Lily sat down between James and Regulus at breakfast, having taken longer than usual to get ready, causing her boyfriends to head to the Great Hall without her. "Morning Lils," James told her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Morning, Jamie," she told him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. He kissed her back and she smirked. Phase one complete.

"Lils, are you wearing lipstick?" Regulus was the first to notice, and then he noticed the red mark on James's cheek, and his eyes widened.

"Yup!" she chirped, grabbing Regulus around the shoulders and planting a kiss on his cheek as well.

His hand immediately shot up to his face. "Lils, I have to go to class after this!"

She smiled. "I know! I'm just marking my territory."

That seemed to be when James noticed what was going on too. "Lils!"

Lily grabbed some toast and bolted out of the Great Hall, knowing that James and Regulus were close behind her.

That was maybe more of a James move but idk I can see Lily pulling that when she's in a bold mood.

Also, bc I wanna talk abt them:

Moon = Me/Lily

Sun = V(Partner A)/James

Star = R(Partner B)/Regulus

I absolutely did not do this V did this to R and I several times today.

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