Sirius and the Motorcycle Named Brenda

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A/N: It is a known fact in this fandom that Sirius Black = Cameron Tucker. If you don't know, Cam is a character from Modern Family. It is also a known fact in my family that my stepdad = Cameron Tucker. So, indirectly, my stepdad = Sirius Black. Which I hate. But my stepdad names his vehicles, and even though he never named a car Brenda (only talked about it), it is the name of our hypothetical cat. Sirius' flying motorcycle is now named Brenda. You're welcome.

"Wormy, come in! Sirius is in the garage working on Brenda, and James is in the kitchen."

"Uh, Remus? Who's Brenda? I though you and Sirius were together," Peter asked.

"Oh, it's Sirius' bike. He named it Brenda, it's so ingrained into my mind that it's called Brenda that I forgot that you didn't know."

"Oh. That's... weird."

"I tried telling him that, it didn't work."



"Hey, Remus, wanna ride Brenda with me later?"

Marlene spat out her drink, and Lily and Mary looked incredulous.

"Sirius. Please, don't say it like that in public. Brenda's his bike," Remus explained.

The girls nodded, and Sirius rolled his eyes. "You're annoying, Moons. No fun."

"The answer is no, by the way, Sirius."

"Come on!"

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