10. Cousin

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“Uncle Alastor!” Samantha yells, jumping into my arms. “Hello little one, I see you’ve missed me.” I laugh, booping her nose. “Yeah yet she never misses me, you hate me or somethin’ Sam?” 

“No but uncle Alastor gives me dolls and you don’t.” She laughs. “Oh ok so that's how it’s gonna be is it? Fine you don’t get to touch the bump.” Anthony smirks, Molly frowning at him. “No please I wanna feel!” She screams, nearly bursting my eardrums.

“Ok fine, just get off my boyfriend's lap.” He laughs, smacking her lightly. She immediately jumps off of me and runs towards Anthony. “Ok just like last time.” He laughs as he grabs her hand, guiding it to rest gently on the bump.

She jumps slightly, indicating she felt a small kick, a smile coming to her face. “How much longer until she comes out to play?” Wrapping her tiny arms around Anthony’s waist, resting her head gently on the bump.

“She’s not comin’ out for a while Sam, you just gotta be a little patient.” she groans before running off to play. "She seems patient." Anthony laughs. "She's always rather impatient, the cause of most of her tantrums actually." Adam comments, sipping his tea. 

“Yes well I can only hope my child won’t be like that.” I laugh, Adam nodding at me. “Best of luck with that. Children think screaming and crying will get them what they want, but it doesn’t work like that.”

“Screamin’ and crying won’t win me over but this face just might.” Anthony laughs making the puppy eyes that always manage to win me over. “Works on Al everytime, it’s what got me these new boots.” 

“That and your old ones were quite worn out darling.” I comment, Anthony may not realize just how much attention I put to detail. “Yeah ok, how late is Moxxie going to be at our place tonight? I need my beauty sleep and I can’t and don’t wanna go to bed without you.” Anthony laughs.

Angel dust

“It shouldn’t be too late 10pm at the latest.” I frown, ‘not too late’ 10pm is fuckin’ late. “Yeah ok that's not late at all.” I growl, making it obvious I’m annoyed. “Sorry darling but it's a nearly 2 hour film, speaking of which. Adam, would you like to join us?“

I watch as he looks up at Molly, her frowning but ultimately nodding her head. I smirk at her, knowing just how much control she has over Adam like I do Albert. Not in a manipulative way but in the sense that what we say goes.

“Ok we really need to get going, it’s gettin’ late and I need to feed Fat Nuggets.” I laugh nervously, dragging Alastor off the couch by the arm and holding him close to me. “Oh well do you need a ride home, I know with the whole pregnancy you can’t be teleportin’ right now.” Adam comments, grabbing keys from the coffee table.

“A ride would be nice, yes. With how dangerous the streets get this late at night, I don't want Anthony caught up in it.” Albert laughs, Samantha running over crying. “Please don’t go!” She cries, reaching all four of her hands up in an attempt to grab Albert. 

He bends over picking her up, her wrapping all 4 arms tightly around him. “How about you go to sleep little one, it’s quite late now. You’re going to go over to my house tomorrow, you'll see me again soon.”

“No!” She cries, tightening her grip, me noticing Albert is turning blue. 

Not again!

A few minutes later

“You alright Albert?” I laugh, knowing he’s already irritated enough as it is. “I will be fine darling do not worry, It is simply some bruising.” He laughs, rubbing the bruise left on his neck. I can’t believe we forgot what happened last time.


“Anthony, could you get me an ice pack? My neck feels quite sore.” I cough, still out of breath for nearly being strangled to a second death for the second time. “Sure Albert just try not to lay down too much m’kay? 

I try to nod my head only to be hit with a sharp pain in my neck. “Stay still Smiles, don’t need you weepin’ all night.” Anthony laughs, planting a quick kiss to my forehead before leaving the room.

I close my eyes, resting my head against the headboard letting out a sigh. I feel something light sit on my lap, opening my eyes I see the pig Anthony calls Fat Nuggets. I pat it’s head, I still don’t understand why he keeps the thing but I’ve come not to see it as food anymore.

“Aw you two are bonding.” Anthony teases, stepping into the room and getting into bed with me. He places the ice pack on the bruise, me flinching at the cold feeling on my neck. “Just calm down, it'll make you feel better.”

“I truly am trying my dear.” I pant, already feeling slight discomfort from having it on for this long, sleeping is going to be a challenge tonight. I move forward a bit so I’m laying down on my back, head resting on the pillow. 

Anthony rests his head on my chest, wrapping an arm around me. I breathe in the scent of flowers in his hair that I’ve come to love so much, content to be able to hold him like this again, not a worry in hell anymore.

“I love ya Albert.” Anthony mutters, clearly tired. “I love you as well Anthony.” I yawn,finally dosing off a few minutes later. 


I’m actually really happy with this chapter haha. Sorry if updates are a little slow, to be honest I’ve been trying to relax a little despite how much I really want to update and write chapters as much as I can I got school soon :’) Love ya 💗

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