Chapter 26

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Return To The Sildyn Steps

"I have something to tell you," Zita held her breath. Her eyes pinched shut, and she was more than prepared to keep them that way but then she felt a strong pair of hands squeezing hers.

She lurched back into reality. Sunlight and the sandstone of the Sildyn Bell Tower steps shot back into view, along with a very perturbed-looking Gadrian in the foreground.

Today was the day she was going to tell Gadrian her true identity. She was finally going to put 'Princess Nara' to rest and potentially her relationship along with it. She had wanted to clench her eyes shut and vomit out the ugly truth but with one hand squeeze, Gadrian forced her to stare down the barrel of all she stood to lose.

Zita took an unsteady breath. "The night of the Coronation Ball... I think I need to explain my behavior. It was a strange night for me—"

"I know, I know," Gadrian let out a troubled sigh. "My love, I can't tell you how relieved I was to get your letter suggesting we meet here."

He gestured toward the Sildyn steps; the very steps he draped himself upon in anticipation of her arrival all those weeks ago when their affections for each other were fresh. This was the place where he kissed her hand goodbye; the place where their love blossomed. Now it would be the sight where their relationship either died or emerged from the pigsty, a new and shinier creature.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head in regret. "I don't know what I was thinking, introducing you to my mother. It was a misstep. The way you ran off..."

Zita grew sick with guilt. She had put this man through such torment these past few days. She wanted to promise him that today would be the end of his suffering. But she knew better.

Gadrian smiled weakly."Your letter gave me hope I didn't send you fleeing off for good."

Zita, no longer able to house all the remorse she felt, whispered, "Gadrian, please listen to me. I'm not who you think I am."

A tear raced down her cheek. She swiped it away before Gadrian could. "My name isn't Nara."

Gadrian looked at her with a confused half-smile.

"I'm not from Sandor either." Her teary eyes started to burn and blur her vision.

Her face hung solemnly. She was too ashamed to look at him."I didn't want to lie to you."

She groaned. Her frustration building at how hard it was to lay the truth bare.

"My love..." Gadrian looked at her, his face awash with nervousness he seldom showed. "What are you talking about?

"I lied about everything. I'm not Princess Nara of Sandor. I wanted to tell you, please believe me, I did. I just... I wasn't allowed to. I didn't count on this," She waved her hand within the space between them. "I didn't know I would meet you and feel the way I feel and —"

He let go of her hand. "Wait a moment. What are you telling me? You're not Princess Nara of Sandor?"

Zita shook her head in sheepish shame.

She could see the mixture of emotions swirling through him but what truly broke her heart was the look of betrayal on his face. This was the look her nightmares were made of.

"Who are you then?" Gadrian asked, his words almost sounding like a hiss. "What are you doing in the palace? This makes no sense."

"My name is Zita. Princess Zita of Arnoa"

Gadrian's eyes shot wide and then pinched shut. He shook his head, his hands rubbing his forehead.

"You're the princess of Arnoa?" he said, his tone challenging.

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