03: Stress and Confessions

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It had been almost 2 weeks since I last talked to anyone from the gang, other than Steve of course, and I had mostly just stayed in my room. Today, I started to break down, sobbing, the stress and anxiety about the whole thing finally getting to me.

I sat up in bed, tears streaming down my face. "Why can't I just tell him?" I mumbled to myself.

Because you're scared of being rejected.

Because you're scared of being alone.

Because you're scared you aren't good enough.

Because you're scared you might break his heart.

Because you're scared of finally having someone to love.

A loud knock at the door brought me out of my anxious thoughts, and I quickly wiped my face, brushed my hair, and changed into a t-shirt and black leggings. I opened the door, my light blue eyes widening when I saw Soda standing there.

"Oh-uh-Hey, didn't expect to see you." I felt my face turn light pink, partly because I was embarrassed that I probably looked like trash, and that he could most likely see I had been crying.

"Are you okay? You look like you've been crying..." Soda's dark blue eyes scanned my face as his happy expression turned into a look of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, is something wrong? Why are you here?" I answered, my heart beat speeding up as he looked down at me.

"I was just worried about ya, you haven't been around for a while..." Soda sat down on the steps of my porch, and I sat down next to him.

"I'm okay, just didn't feel like being social." I glanced at him, trying not to notice how handsome he looked in the moonlight.

"Callie, I know you better than that. That is not the whole truth..." Soda pried, looking at me.

Then I kissed him, it happened so fast I didn't even register what I had just done, just the fact that my lips were on his.

I pulled away quickly, my face was bright red and my body felt as hot as an oven. "I-I am so sorry! I don't know why I did that, I-" Soda stopped me, hugging me softly for a few seconds before pulling away.

"So that's why you've been avoiding me, huh?" He asked, his dark blue eyes staring into mine.

"Callie, I've had a crush on you for a while now, and I have a feeling you feel the same?" Soda looked at me, his soft smile sweet and gitty. I felt my blush spread to my ears and down my neck, the cool light breeze doing nothing to help me.

"Yes, I do. I just- I guess I just didn't want to accept it myself." I looked down at the brick stair that my socked feet were resting on.

"Oh? Why's that?" Soda tone was curious, but sweet, almost like he didn't want to make me uncomfortable.

"I'm not good enough for you, and I don't know a thing about dating or love." I could feel burning hot shame as I admitted that, anxiety filling my stomach.

"Callie that is not true." Soda started, saying a bunch of other reassuring things, but I wasn't listening.


A few hours later I met up with Johnny and Ponyboy at the movies, Dallas was flirting with some red head that was sitting in front of us, who had another girl sitting next to her. I saw her jaw clench when he made some inappropriate comments, and she started chewing her gum faster.

Then I realized why she looked so familiar to me, she was Cherry Valence, (idk if I spelled that right) a popular cheerleader at my highschool, and a Soc.

"Shut your trap and leave us alone!" Cherry finally snapped at Dallas. "Be nice and leave us alone!"

Dallas scoffed, causing me to glance at him. "Come on Dal..." I said, feeling like something bad was going to happen.

When he didn't stop, and instead started grabbing at Cherry and mumbling things into her ear even though she looked super uncomfortable, I stood up, shoving past him, causing his chair to fall over. "You really don't know when to stop do you?!" I shouted at him.

Dallas just stared at me in surprise, I had never yelled at him before.

"Just leave her alone you asshole. No wonder your girlfriends two time you, when you pull shit like this. Get a fucking clue Dallas Winston."

I turned, and fast walked out of the drive-in. I was scared Dallas was going to follow me and beat my ass for yelling at him. Mostly because no one, and I mean no one had ever talked to Dallas like that, especially not me. Even if they did, Dallas would beat them so bad that no one who knew the person would try it again.


I tried to sleep once I got back home about an hour later, I really did, but to no avail. I sighed, getting out of bed, and pulled on some high waisted jeans and a t-shirt, pulling a jean jacket over my shoulders as I walked down the front steps of my house. I walked down the sidewalk to the park.

That night it was cool, not to hot, a soft breeze in the air. Then I saw a shiny, dark blue mustang pull up into the grass next to me. I quickened my pace, spotting Johnny and Ponyboy.

I stood next to them, my eyes widening, as five Socs got out of the car.

"Well, if it isn't some greasers and a little friend?" A dark haired Soc asked, even from a few feet away I could smell the alcohol on their breath. I felt the Socs eyes on me, and I did not like it.

Johnny whispered in my ear,"When you get the chance, run. Pony and I will be fine."

And I ran, one of the Socs yelled after me but I didn't look back, I ran down the street to my house, and burst through the door. I was breathing heavily, I closed the door, leaving against it. I slowly fell to the floor, trying to catch my breath.

Then I had the worst feeling, as if something bad was going to happen.

As if someone had died.

Chapter 3: 1056 words.

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